Browsing through the config.ini file, I came across this:
I haven't adjusted any of these yet, but it seems like it makes it pretty easy to resize the mini-map. Neat.
; Mini-map width.
Width = 320
; Mini-map height.
Height = 190
; Thickness of camera rectangle, in pixels
CameraRectThickness = 10.000000
; If ratio of explored area to visible region size is less than this (on both axes), do not draw camera rect.
CameraRectThreshold = 1.000000
; Extra space, in pixels, to leave on edge of explored region
ExploredRegionGutter = 20.000000
; Alpha value for fog
FogAlpha = 1.000000
; Mini-map width.
Width = 320
; Mini-map height.
Height = 190
; Thickness of camera rectangle, in pixels
CameraRectThickness = 10.000000
; If ratio of explored area to visible region size is less than this (on both axes), do not draw camera rect.
CameraRectThreshold = 1.000000
; Extra space, in pixels, to leave on edge of explored region
ExploredRegionGutter = 20.000000
; Alpha value for fog
FogAlpha = 1.000000