You know what? I don't want to fight and I appalogize for the name calling especially since this is the on topic and that shouldn't be done here. I did make a few over the top statements and I can see how if someone read just those ones, and not the other ones where I named specific things , than they could reach the conclusion that I hate the game where as I don't hate it but think it needs improving. For the record no mod made me say this and I'm sorry for my part in this. Hopefully Boris feels the same way.
No announcement yet.
Civ V is a great game.
I like the game as well. Ohh wait.. no i LOVE it! Sometimes i think about the fact that I have a real life as well and that means I cannot play as much as I want to. I agree on the fact that this is not CIV4! YES civ4 is fun, it's a very good civ game! But hey this is another game, different yes! A Ferrari is a nice car, but have a private ship is also very nice! Sometimes you drive the ferrari, and sometimes you sail away with your own ship. Both are great. But if you drive the ferrari for 5 years, and you just brought your own ship.. you will be sailing a lot for a while(Could the other way arround.. but you got my point!?) This game can also be a ferrari under the games. Hail to the makers of this great game!!!
Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real
I like it quite a bit so far. Definitely getting that OMT feeling, way way way better than Civ3 (no comparasion, really), but I do have some concerns:
#1, it won't let me turn on anti-aliasing. I'm no technical whiz by any means, but I've never had that problem with any other game. The leader screens seem a bit too cartoony to me, and I wonder if that is why.
#2, it seems a bit slow paced. I don't feel like I'm building as many buildings, not because they have maintenance, but because they take much longer to build and there aren't as many of them; fewer national wonders in particular, and the loss of religion has resulted in the loss of all the different temples, monasteries, and cathedrals. Caveat: my first game was on marathon, perhaps the pacing is better on standard.
#3, diplomacy is poor. I understand the impulse to keep more "under the hood" as far as diplomacy goes, but we need a bit more information about how other civs see us, let alone how they see each other. More meaningful interactions, such as back and forth negotiations, would be welcome. More multilateral options (such as AP/UN votes in Civ4) would be great.
#4, not enough info available, just in general. I miss being able to see a detailed list of all my cities, units, relations, extra luxuries, etc. What lists are available are pared down too much--how much longer until one of my cities spawns a GP?
#5, why do I have to endure the first 30 seconds or so of the opening movie before it goes to the main menu? That's trivial, I know, but it's a bit silly.
#6, slightly more control over puppet states would be useful. I don't need them to build barracks, thanks. Some toggle to tell them to focus more on production of science, gold, culture, whatever, sort of like the allocation options in core cities.
The good news is that I'm fairly certain that all of these things will get fixed in patches at best, XP as worst."My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
"The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud
Originally posted by Wyrda Edocsil View PostThe lack of sliders actually adds complexity to the game, rather than making it easier. I makes it so that you aren't able to just pour your treasury into research, or vice-versa. You just dislike it because you can't conveniently slow your research to a crawl in order to gain gold faster, or stop making gold in order to speed up research. Also, I am 15 and can at least compete with the majority of people online in a game of Civ. I don't find sliders complicated. Sliders are so simple that a five-year-old could use them (I understood sliders when I was five, if not younger). A game without sliders requires much more thinking.
The AI could use some improvement, but, otherwise, the game is actually much more complex than Civ IV. In Civ IV, not much planning was really necessary. You could change what you were doing at any time easily. You could completely change your strategy with almost no repercussions. If you neglected something in the early game, it wouldn't hurt you in the late game. In Civ V, you can't. Production takes much longer, and most decisions are permanent. If you neglect something in the early game, it affects you throughout the entire game, the one possible exception being military, as long as you are not attacked by a powerful Civ.
P.S. I apologize if my post seems to be complete nonsense. I've hardly slept over the past few days. If you ask for clarification, I will clarify anything for which clarification is necessary, to the best of my ability.
I guess I'm just astonished that 2K claimed they wanted to simplify everything and make the game less tedious yet they got rid of one of the simplest and easiest things to use in the game (the various sliders) and now essentially force people to micromanage if they want to get a similiar type effect. That just seems backwards to me from their stated goal of making the game easier to use and less tedious.Try for discussion and debate.
Originally posted by Guynemer View Post#2, it seems a bit slow paced. I don't feel like I'm building as many buildings, not because they have maintenance, but because they take much longer to build and there aren't as many of them; fewer national wonders in particular, and the loss of religion has resulted in the loss of all the different temples, monasteries, and cathedrals. Caveat: my first game was on marathon, perhaps the pacing is better on standard.
This is going to take some getting used to for me; I exclusively played the longest settings on Civ4."My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
"The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud
I'm on my second epic game (that is the 3 of 4 speed) and it's a blast. I'm tempted to try marathon, but it really does sound like a long haul. I'd rather get the game figured out before I go for that.
I played quick in an MP game yesterday. First time in any CIV I've ever played quick. I felt overwhelmed, by the time I had two units built they were obsolete...What's up, hot dog?
I like epic feeling games, but yeah, Marathon was too slow for me. I'd like to see a setting that uses Marathon turns, Marathon tech researching, and build times somewhere between current Marathon and Epic, maybe even just Epic. See some long ages where you really get to experience some of the units that you miss if you sneeze :P- Dregor
I had never even heard of that Civ IV Mod that is so popular (Rise of Mankind?) that added all sorts of complexity and awesomeness until I came here. Of course, I only came here in preparation for Civ V... I am pretty sure I'd have enjoyed the depth of that in a marathon session.
Also, I agree that "epic" sounds longer than "marathon." A marathon could be run in a day. An epic run would be like Forest Gump or something.What's up, hot dog?
Originally posted by Guynemer View PostI like it quite a bit so far. Definitely getting that OMT feeling, way way way better than Civ3 (no comparasion, really), but I do have some concerns:
#1, it won't let me turn on anti-aliasing. I'm no technical whiz by any means, but I've never had that problem with any other game. The leader screens seem a bit too cartoony to me, and I wonder if that is why.
#2, it seems a bit slow paced. I don't feel like I'm building as many buildings, not because they have maintenance, but because they take much longer to build and there aren't as many of them; fewer national wonders in particular, and the loss of religion has resulted in the loss of all the different temples, monasteries, and cathedrals. Caveat: my first game was on marathon, perhaps the pacing is better on standard.
#3, diplomacy is poor. I understand the impulse to keep more "under the hood" as far as diplomacy goes, but we need a bit more information about how other civs see us, let alone how they see each other. More meaningful interactions, such as back and forth negotiations, would be welcome. More multilateral options (such as AP/UN votes in Civ4) would be great.
#4, not enough info available, just in general. I miss being able to see a detailed list of all my cities, units, relations, extra luxuries, etc. What lists are available are pared down too much--how much longer until one of my cities spawns a GP?
#5, why do I have to endure the first 30 seconds or so of the opening movie before it goes to the main menu? That's trivial, I know, but it's a bit silly.
#6, slightly more control over puppet states would be useful. I don't need them to build barracks, thanks. Some toggle to tell them to focus more on production of science, gold, culture, whatever, sort of like the allocation options in core cities.
The good news is that I'm fairly certain that all of these things will get fixed in patches at best, XP as worst.
Except the anti-aliasing part. Mine works."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
One more thing, sorry to interrupt (I do not want to open yet another thread). It seems that in each game it is easier to steamroll. I find AI civs on another continent which are absolutely spectacular. Romans have approx 20 cities and are ahead in tech. Another report on civfanatics had the same situation with SuperChina. Is this deliberate, or just an unintended consequence? Just asking...
The demo sure is good mindcrack. It also plays smoother than patched BtS, so kudos to the developers for taking care of the core platform.
Originally posted by Boris Godunov View PostYes, the autoexplore AI being poor is trivial. Just don't autoexplore until they fix it.
However, any AI problem is pretty major in a game that's supposed to be played mostly in SP. Remember that you can't do the moves for the AI—it really must be competent on its own.Seriously. Kung freaking fu.
Guy ,
#2 I remember reading somewhere that there are more buildings in total in 5 than 4.
#5 is that why people have been trying to turn the intro movie off? when the movie itself starts I repeatedly press some random combination of escape, space, left mouse button and some keys on the left side of my keyboard. The movie stops after <5 secondsSafer worlds through superior firepower
Originally posted by Guynemer View PostI like it quite a bit so far. Definitely getting that OMT feeling, way way way better than Civ3 (no comparasion, really), but I do have some concerns:
#4, not enough info available, just in general. I miss being able to see a detailed list of all my cities, units, relations, extra luxuries, etc. What lists are available are pared down too much--how much longer until one of my cities spawns a GP?
The good news is that I'm fairly certain that all of these things will get fixed in patches at best, XP as worst.
Also, in each city screen the tabs on the right will show GP progress if your city can even make one. By default alot of the tabs start as minimized I think though.While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.