So far I never heard anything sad about Fortresses. I tought about it, that i can be realy intresting if they (still) behave like city's. So if you can put multiple units into a Fortress. It will make Fortress a very very importand land improvement. I personal liked the Fortress in call to power. If you build a Fortress to your civ's border, you get some land arround the Fortress. You have to build the Fortress on you own land. I don't know if they use that in CIV 5, but to be able to put more units into a Fortress will be very intresting now, because of the one unit for each tile now.
So, I have to wait until friday to play Civ 5 (europe) perhaps my friends in the states can bring some light about this subject!
So, I have to wait until friday to play Civ 5 (europe) perhaps my friends in the states can bring some light about this subject!
