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The Spanish March

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  • The Spanish March

    Recently I decided to try my hand at Colonization, this time with the Spanish and a pillaging mindset. I have never played as the spanish before, the English/Dutch are my type. And guess what I found:

    It pays to be an d*ck.

    Had money, converts, and a veteren dragoon military that wiped the floor with the sad Spanish government.

    Anyone else try this? Next time, I am going to sell muskets and horses in galore, that should up the intensity.

    p.s. Any reference to genocide in this post by the accused (hereafter called "The Poster") is entirely in reference to the game Colonization (hereafter called "The Product") and bears no resembelence at all to real life (hereafter called "Reality") and thus relieves the Poster of any responsibility twords any acts of genocide commited outside the Product.
    "Dave, if medicine tasted good, I'd be pouring cough syrup on my pancakes." -Jimmy James, Newsradio

    "Your plans to find love, fortune, and happiness utterly ignore the Second Law Of Thermodynamics."-Horiscope from The Onion

  • #2
    I have, add Cortes and the Inca and Aztecs at thousands per city. One city will buy 3-5 equiped
    Veteran Soldiers.


    • #3
      I alway used to play as Spanish and seek out astecs and had no trouble beating the game.

      Now playing as the english. Found just as much profit to be gain from trading cotton and tobacco with capital of sioux tribe (by land as you get more cash).

      I mostly fail game now because i go to war with foreigners but doing well atm as I sailed all the way to the western edge of map to avoid foreign countries. only got one colony but prime tobacco and sugar already uncovered... keep your fingers crossed as still got broadleaf to chop down and could be hiding prime cotton.


      • #4
        Yup playing the Spanish way can be very awarding. And sometimes I even sell some muskets and dragoons to the idians to make it a little bit more challenging but in the end the outcome is secure. incas and aztecs are destined to fall and make me rich It's also a good idea to attack the middle developed indians like the iroquois. You can also get a good share out of it but the tipi-indians aren't even worth to care for. Except they are in the way of my expansion routs then they have to go but one dragoon is enough for them.

