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how did you like it so far?

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  • how did you like it so far?

    i know it depends a lot on the people you play against and the time availiable. how did you like your games so far? any interesting situations?

  • #2
    it seems i have overestimated the number of people who actually play or own the boardgame...


    • #3
      please tell us, I want to know too.
      My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


      • #4
        The link for the game doesn't work under the Welcome thread. Any links available so i can have a look?
        I love PEPSI! (twitching and shivering profusely)


        • #5
          I have played one game so far

          It took 7 hours to get to the end of the modern age.
          We could have played longer, but we ran out of time.
          We played hours on saturday and 3 on sunday.

          We had no wars, except two batles between my brother and me.

          I liked it very much, eventhough we needed the first 1 /2 hours to get used to the game.

          Next weekend I'll play another game, I hope to play with 6 people this time (4 in the first game)

          I think it's not a game I'll do very oftenly, but a few times a years, and those games will be kewl.
          It just takes too long to play it on a regular base.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • #6
            i'll repost what i wrote in the welcome thread

            I carried the game over the Atlantic for a couple of connecting flights, it is darn heavy and bulky, but certainly worth it. All of my friends in Belgrade are very happy with it.
            Well, I am surprised to hear that a single game lasts for 10 +hours. We had a quick playtesting one and got throught the Ancient age in about 4 hrs, but we literally checked every single rule along that road and took tremendous time ogling new shiny tech cards and figuring out what purpose they serve at all (not to mention world wonders). Our second game we decided to play for no more than 4 hrs, again we were looking at rules and had occassional breaks, but this time the pace quickened significantly. It took us 2,5 hrs to get out of ancient and 1,5 more to finish medieval age, and just like in CivIII, the game picked up speed as we progressed. I am getting a feel that the next time we sit around we'll finish it in about 6 hrs. This is a great improvement over our Advanced Civ (Avalon Hill) games that literally took a day to finish (or finished us off).
            The game plays really well, we adopted some minor changes as suggested by errata and some wise fellas at Eaglegames forums (but really only minor changes, not really getting into cumbersome details some people thought of to reshape the game altogether). Is it worth 44 USD (CompUsa)? So far, definitely.


            • #7
              The game takes longer if there's more war during the game.
              If the world's in peace, the game goes quickly.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • #8
                I've never had time for a full one (i've never gotten past the midevil age!). I've found that war is very risky and it's better to negotiate borders at the beginning.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by civman2000
                  I've never had time for a full one (i've never gotten past the midevil age!). I've found that war is very risky and it's better to negotiate borders at the beginning.
                  even when their unprotected settlers are tempting you?


                  • #10
                    I've played a few games now, and they get faster every time. Yes, fighting wars drags things out, but peacetime can also become slow if people are debating what to purchase. I think that as you get more experienced with the rules and comfortable with the system, things speed up accordingly.
                    I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                    • #11
                      haven't played the game but heard from a friend that, CivBG has nice set of pieces, nice shining board and nice deck of tech cards but broken rules. so you have to invent your own rules. is this true?
                      My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Andemagne
                        haven't played the game but heard from a friend that, CivBG has nice set of pieces, nice shining board and nice deck of tech cards but broken rules. so you have to invent your own rules. is this true?
                        no, with the errata posted in january on the you need not invent anything, but you may invent anything that works for you and gives you more of the 'civ' feeling. we adopted a slightly different placement system to avoid having someone who does not have a single resource at the beginning and, in addition, we have a +1 mountain defence (so that it makes at least some sense to build a city there). the rest of the rules are fine so far (we might also introduce a rule whereby you cannot buy two consecutive advances in a single turn (people have a feeling that the last two eras rush is, ummmm to fast)


                        • #13
                          The problems with war is that while you might get some victories at first, you lose a lot of trade and unless your much stronger the slowness of movement gives your opponent plenty of time to build up defenses.


                          • #14
                            The start has it.... you can easily stay at war for ages if you have the right trade stuffs for several monopolies with minimal input from other players. If you are paying ~7 gold to two people for one resource and you have bought those to complete 3 or 4 resource monopolies you can be ROLLING it in more than you opponent is likely to be able to handle.

                            I swear, this game so needs to come with a system for passing notes surreptitiously, else diplomacy is so much asw useless.

                            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

