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Getting MoM to work under XP

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  • Getting MoM to work under XP

    Ok - I've scoured the net to fid out how to get a MoM to work under XP, and all I ever find is "check this FAQ" or "I wrote about it here" but neither route ever has a definitive answer.

    I d/l'ed dosbox - still don't know how to get it working. I get memory / setup errors.

    If anyone knows the full how to here (and not just "make a pif...") please let me know. Thanks homies.

  • #2
    Hi Evryone

    I too would like to know how to load Master of Magic onto a new computer. Most of all I would like to know when Master of Magic 2 is going to be made and released. I am 20 now and started playing it in 1994, it is my favorite game. Thank you for your time.



    • #3
      gramians, sorry, I can't help you directly, I myself never used XP, so all I can tell you is indeed to address you to the MoM site you alreay found the link of in other threads of this forum.
      I don't know if there is actually someone who succeeded to run MoM under XP, but I think to recall the question has already been asked, you should parse the other threads here.
      Personally, I still use Win98SE on my PC, and even there I had problems to make a working pif with enough free EMS, so I resolved to make a true DOS partition only to be able to run MoM, go figure.
      Some other stated in another thread that they kept a whole old PC for the purpose...

      Re MoM2, there are just RUMOURS that if MoO3 sells enough, IG/QS might consider to make a MoM2. I have no certain info whether they now detain that game's right, or if some other company might step in in case and do it instead of IG/QS.
      In summary: there is nothing known, you should really ask the gaming companies...
      There is a thread about MoM2 in the MoO3 forum in this site, and that was not the first...
      I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


      • #4
        Thanks for the tip. I hear it is possible to make a dos boot disk and have it work... I actually have a 98SE partition and XP partition. I hit memory problems on both. I dont want to mess with the sys/bat stuff because I don't know how that will affect either OS.

        IMHO MOM2 is only discussed by big fans of the series, namely, visitors to this and similar site. I think it got permenantly canned. Rediculous MOO3 sales would be required to revive it - and I dont think that is likely, considering MOO3 is more of a specialty game for gormet gamers.

