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Lastest Colonization Patch

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  • Lastest Colonization Patch

    I just discovered Colonization a few days ago at It is version 2.25. Does anyone know if this is the latest version and if not what version is the latest. And if not any ideas where to get the latest? BTW, v2.25 seems to run just fine but I like to run the latest. Thanks
    A penny saved today is a penny spent tomorrow. - MFDII

  • #2
    Not the slightest ide but if you find out could you post it?
    Excellence can be attained if you Care more than other think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical and Expect more than others think is possible.
    Ask a Question and you're a fool for 3 minutes; don't ask a question and you're a fool for the rest of your life! Chinese Proverb
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffet


    • #3
      Often there is a date on the right corner at the bottom of the opening screen (when the guy lands on America and post his flag) so you can recognize it when it was created.
      Dance to Trance

      Proud and official translator of Yaroslavs Civilization-Diplomacy utility.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Galvatron
        Often there is a date on the right corner at the bottom of the opening screen (when the guy lands on America and post his flag) so you can recognize it when it was created.
        [Cyclonus voice]
        oh Mighty Galvatron, what are you trying to say?
        [/Cyclonus voice]
        My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


        • #5
          The newest verios is 3.0

          I have that patch at my hard drive if you like.

          But I think it can be found at Hasbros web site.


          • #6
            Originally posted by player1
            The newest verios is 3.0
            I have that patch at my hard drive if you like.
            But I think it can be found at Hasbros web site.
            you could ask Mark or Dan to make it available thru this site.
            My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Andemagne

              [Cyclonus voice]
              oh Mighty Galvatron, what are you trying to say?
              [/Cyclonus voice]
              Well Cyclonus my loyal and brave warrior I wanted to say this:

              On the opening screen of Colonization (you know when the ship is sailing over the map,....) you have the options: play a game in america,.... in the right corner at the bottom there you can see the version and the date when it was created.
              Dance to Trance

              Proud and official translator of Yaroslavs Civilization-Diplomacy utility.


              • #8
                Here is the 3.0 patch readme:

                *** COLONIZATION Ver 3.0 Readme.Txt ***

                ================================================== ==============

                This version contains fixes to problems in Colonization that many people
                have found that should take care of the "random" lock-ups and make the
                game run a bit more smoothly. It also includes several extra features
                we hope will add to your enjoyment of the game.

                Fixes for Version 3.0

                1. The "U"nload key working during a boycott.

                2. The Cathedral now requires a population of 8 (as
                stated in the manual) instead of 16.

                3. Problem with capturing a city and the outside
                territory being owned by another power.

                4. Indian villages now accept the goods that scouts

                5. Autosave fixed so computer players don't get an
                extra turn.

                6. Break treaty with self message when fortifying a
                unit is now fixed.

                7. Trade menu no longer crashes after a certain number
                of uses.

                8. Escaping from the Founding Father's screen will no
                longer bring up different choices.

                9. King's Last Man-O-War was sunk and the game won't
                end, this is fixed.

                10. World map is now being created properly.

                11. Damaged ships will now go to the closest drydock everytime they are

                12. You should no longer receive messages stating that the King controls
                90% of your colonies when he does not.

                13. You may now "Join" a colony when the maximum # of colonies (48) are
                in use. You still cannot build a new colony though.

                14. Your tax rate will no longer reset itself during the game.

                15. The AI has been adjusted so that attacking units will not go on
                "Suicide runs" or attack you from a poor location.

                16. You shouldn't have any problems using the "Colonizopedia".

                Crashes, Lockups, Etc.

                Several of our customers have reported lockups while playing Colonization.
                We suggest the following remedy.

                In your config.sys file make sure the following is set:


                We also recommend that you use the RAM option for
                EMM386.EXE. You can change this one of two ways.
                Replace the NOEMS parameter with RAM or run MEMMAKER
                and answer yes when asked if you have programs that
                use EXPANDED MEMORY.

                Included with Colonization are examples of what the
                AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS file should look like. These
                files are named AUTOEXEC.TXT & CONFIG.TXT.

                This should fix most (if not all) of the problems that have
                been reported. If, however, you are still experiencing
                problems please contact our customer service department
                at (410) 771-1151. Please provide them with the following

                The contents of your autoexec.bat & config.sys files.
                DOS version Mouse driver & version number

                If you have a save game of the problem please send it in to
                us. Save games are sometimes our greatest resource when
                trying to track down a problem.

                Added Features:

                These extra features have not been thouroughly tested or play-balanced.
                In our never-ending search to satisfy you, our faithful customer, we have
                simply added these features in response to your requests.

                1) Map Editor: Run "MAPEDIT" from your Colonization directory
                to use this tool. The map editor allows you to create
                maps that can then be used to play Colonization. The "Help"
                menu in the map editor contains instructions on how to use
                the program. To play on a map created with this tool, run
                Colonization normally, but select "Start Game in AMERICA" from
                the main menu. A second menu then appears to ask you if you
                want to use the original Americas map or a new map you have

                2) Cheat Mode: Many players have expressed a desire to play using the
                "cheat mode" tools we used during development. This is now possible.

                These cheat functions are brute-force development tools which
                have not been polished for public consumption.

                Use these tools at your own risk.

                To turn on cheat mode:
                While you are playing the game and the main map is visible, press Alt-W,
                Alt-I, Alt-N, in succession. The "CHEAT" menu should appear on the menu

                To turn off cheat mode:
                Press Alt-W

                Useful cheat functions available on main map:

                In "view mode", the disband function (shift-D) can be used to disband
                foreign units as well as friendly units. It can also be used to "disband"
                a friendly or enemy colony, or even an indian village.

                Shift-F1: Create a unit. Select a unit to create. By default, units
                will be of your own nationality. To create a unit of another nationality,
                select "Foreign Unit" from the menu first, then create the unit of your

                Placing units of different nationalities in the same square, or
                placing units in the same square as a colony of a different nationality,
                or an indian village, may cause significant problems in the game.

                Shift-F4: Reveal map. Reveals the current map for any nationality, or
                reveals the entire map. Select "No special view" to return the map to its
                normal state. You may also see into another nationality's colonies.

                Shift-F5: Set Human Player. Allows you to "switch sides" and play a
                different nationality. If you select "None" the computer will play all
                sides. In this case, you can also tell the computer to "automate the
                game", in which case the game will play continuously without waiting
                for user input. To stop automated play, hold down the mouse button
                continously; at the end of the Dutch turn, you will be given a chance
                to issue commands.

                Shift-F6: Kill Indians. Kills all indians of the tribe you choose.

                Shift-F7: Advance Revolution Status: if rebel % is not yet at 50%,
                advances it to 50%. If rebel % already 50%, starts the revolution.
                If revolution has already started, forces foreign intervention. If
                foreign intervention has occured, causes an immediate player victory
                in the war of independence.

                Useful cheat functions on colony screen:

                T = Add a colonist to colony
                S = Change currently selected colonist's specialty to his current
                profession (so if he is farming, he becomes a master farmer).
                $ = Add 1000 gold to treasury.
                % = Add 100 of currently selected commodity to stockpile.
                ^ = Take away 100 of currently selected commodity from stockpile.
                ! = Give colony all possible buildings
                Space = Give the colony a "free turn" (i.e. run a full production cycle,
                without advancing time in the outside world). This can occasionally
                cause bizarre graphic events to occur, but these can be corrected
                by exiting the colony screen.

                Useful cheat functions on europe screen:

                $ = Add 1000 gold to treasury
                [ = Lower tax rate by 1%
                ] = Raise tax rate by 1%

                ================================================== ==============

                We don't expect that you will have any problems playing
                Colonization on your computer. If the game does seem to
                be malfunctioning, however, the first thing to check is
                your sound card configuration.

                In the event of difficulty, we recommend that you try
                running INSTALL and selecting "No Sound Card". If the
                game runs correctly after that, then there is a problem
                with your sound card configuration. Check your sound
                card owner's manual and documentation. If you are unable
                to resolve the problem yourself, call our Customer
                Service Department at (410) 771-1151, and a representative
                will be happy to help you.

