Originally posted by Wiglaf
How a computer with a 100 MHz slower processor and 128mb less RAM (not to mention a sharper resolution) can post a higher score like that is beyond me with details maxed. That's a pretty big blip on my bull**** detector.
How a computer with a 100 MHz slower processor and 128mb less RAM (not to mention a sharper resolution) can post a higher score like that is beyond me with details maxed. That's a pretty big blip on my bull**** detector.
You own a P3 600 and a Geforce 2 MX? Since when? MX200 or 400?
No one on a PC uses an older video card? You sure about that?

Not until I get a link to back your "OS 9 has inefficient coding" remark. For whatever reason you totally ignored that point immediatly after bringing it up...
So do you, if you think a PIII450 with a Rage and 128 of RAM can post 50 fps in any real benchmark at 800x600. I've only seen that done with G3s or systems with much more RAM and processing power. In reality the number would be around 35-41 or so. Not an average of 50.
You've yet to cite any real benchmarks, and when I point out the invalidity of your benchmarks you get on my case because they're BS?

Echinda: I hate, hate, HATE, Apple marketing. The Apple users seriously think a G4 can defeat a modern day Pentium 4 or Athlon at the same price point, when in all honesty it can't even hold a candle. The hardware of today's Mac's are obsolete, I'm just dispelling some misconceptions a lot of you have. If I hear one more person say the G4 is 128-bit...

I also don't really mind Macs, though. The G5 is supposed to kick ass, I'm really looking forward to that thing. That may be the chance for Apple to have actual fast computers, not these old clunkers. I'm also sitting on the fence with OS X, I hate Aqua, but I really like much of the OS' design.
The point is, current Macs are slower than current PCs, for more money, with less software. It's hilarious how people try to argue with that. When the G4 came out, years ago, it was VERY fast compared to the PC counterparts. But it hasn't gotten much faster since, while PC processors (and memory systems) have gotten MUCH faster. We'll see how the G5 turns the tables.