Some time ago, Ashman was kind enough to respond to a post I made here asking whether Mac and PC users could play together. He said they could with a file typer, and offered to send me one, and I took him up on it.
It's been a while, but I finally got my shiny new G4, and sure enough, the file typer allows me to continue the PBEM games I was already playing on my PC on my new Mac. Many thanks, Ash.
Now, I noticed a while ago that people were still having problems making this work, so if anyone needs them, I can send the exchange settings that worked for me. And I should mention that I'm runnung OS9, in case that makes a difference.
If a lot of people want the file typer, I wonder if Apolyton could have a download site. what do you think, Baston?
BTW, the game looks sooooo much better on my Mac than it did on my little PC laptop!!