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Help a fellow mac user

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  • Help a fellow mac user

    I am wondering just how importiant are trade routs in this game. In the middle part of the game I pretty much don't care anymore becouse my routs get pillaged so much. Is it worth the hassle to uphold them? And what are the best ways to defend them?

    ALEX v5.7

    See you in court.
    Don't invade Russia in the winter time.

  • #2
    VITAL!!! The surplus of gold they bring can be a real lifesaver. TTJ has demonstrated time and time again in our PBeM games that the labyrinth (free trade routes) are essential.

    Sometimes to defend them is hard (usually you need a strong navy as most cross water) although often if you at least have reasonable diplomatic ties with the nation that is pillaging you can ask them to stop.

    I usually forgo these and instantly bring it back up. This can get annoying so ensure you have a strong navy/army to safeguard ant extensive routes.

