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  • Aircraft

    How the heck do you land them on a carrier?

    For that matter, what isn't covered by the manual that really should be?


  • #2
    You fly them onto the carrier. If the carrier has room and is able to carry that size of air unit, that does the trick. Just fly the air unit onto the tile with the carrier.

    Now, units come in 3 sizes. Units able to transport other units (including aircraft carriers) are rated for what size units they can carry. The aircraft carrier in the unmodified version of CTP can carry medium and small air units. That means, as designed, bombers, space planes, C17's, subneural ads, spy planes and stealth bombers don't fit on a carrier (as designed).

    Similar clauses can be made for other transport units. I'll try designing a commando carrier some time (ship able to carry smal air units and small land units). Also a mobile air base maybe. Just to see whether it's possible or not. I theory it should be possible. While I'm at it, I might just try a small air unit able to transport large naval units. I wonderwhat happens if you load a transport capable loaded unit on another transport capable unit (no I'm not loaded )

