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Civ2 MGE on OS X/9.1

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  • Civ2 MGE on OS X/9.1

    I noticed that Apple is saying that CtP and MS Age of Empires are compatible with the OS X Classic layer (OS 9.1). I'm wondering if MGE will be compatible and more importantly, will we still have the multiplayer compatibility with PC's. No real reason to worry, I just remember Finbar griping about OS 9 so the Classic layer has me a litle concerned. Anyone else have experience with Civ and OS 9.1?

    Anyone planning on buying OS X immediately? I will have to install some more memory and do some major HD cleaning to perform a proper install. I may have to wait a while. Don't know. Although, I've got $100 ear marked for this, so maybe in 8 days I'll be standing in line at CompUSA, hopping up and down ready to buy!

    Be what you is and not what you is not. Folks who do that are the happiest lot!
    - Mr. Wizard the Lizard,
    "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

    Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!

  • #2
    I was planning to upgrade to OS X, but with my harddrive grinding itself to bits chances of scratching up enough cash for that and a new version of Toast will be none My system is still covered by AppleCare but I really doubt they'd have any 6GB hdds laying around... planning to run over to CompUSA for a 30GB drive to avoid a 3-5 week repair wait.

    If I remember OS X will cost $130 USD, instead of earlier OSs at $99
    *sad sigh* looks like I'll be stuck trying to do real work on a PC for at least a week


    • #3

      When my Performa's Seagate/Conner HD died it was still under the OEM warrenty (5yrs) and Seagate sent me a new HD for free! Now, unforturately, they DID have an old 1.2 GB HD laying around so I didn't get a free upgrade, however, the rep said that they would send the closest size. So, considering the current HD market I would check with either the OEM and/or Apple and see what they would send!

      Now, having said all that, even with the promise of a free HD I went and bought a faster 4 GB before the free one even arrived! Now I have a 1.2GB sitting around still in the box! I probably couldn't even give it away! Additionally, I have a friend at work who recently bought a 40 GB for $145 (I think on eBay) and I notice that Sam's Club is selling them for about the same price (probably a wash in price after you trade shipping for taxes). In fact, with the monster OS X coming, I may be replacing my iMac's little 4 GB HD soon!

      Edit: One more thing, Apple used to ship repairs overnight UPS, so even if you had to ship the entire computer, it should be less than 3-5 weeks (although I'd check first!).

      Be what you is and not what you is not. Folks who do that are the happiest lot!
      - Mr. Wizard the Lizard,
      [This message has been edited by MacUser (edited March 18, 2001).]
      "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

      Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


      • #4
        Civ runs fine on 9.1. Based on that, according to Apple , it should run fine under OS X as well. Personally, I'm in no rush to upgrade to OS X. As with any 1.0 title in this day and age, corners have been cut to get it out the door. I just don't see any really compelling reason to try it out just yet.


        • #5

          Originally posted by Insane on 03-18-2001 04:30 PM
          I just don't see any really compelling reason to try it out just yet.

          Ah, you're just thinking with your head and not your heart! On the MacAddict Forums I've seen posters argue that we should run out and buy it just to give Apple a financial boost both literally and by way of Wall Street and good media coverage on March 24! Me I've just been waiting for several years for a modern OS for the Mac, so I'll probably get it just because! (I'm the one who drooled over every MGE beta patch and loaded without question! ) Besides which, I need to buy about a gig o' RAM anyway so I can play CtP that the kids got me last Aug!

          As for Civ in Classic mode: it may be fine for single player, but not for MP. A post in my thread on the MacAddict Mac OS X: General Forum commented that the OS X PB could not see the internet. This may be an issue of the Classic layer not being able to see the hardware directly. As the poster said, "As for the retail version, we'll just have to see."

          BTW, on the MacAddict Forums I registered as MacCiver.

          Be what you is and not what you is not. Folks who do that are the happiest lot!
          - Mr. Wizard the Lizard,
          "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

          Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


          • #6

            Originally posted by MacUser on 03-18-2001 08:57 AM

            When my Performa's Seagate/Conner HD died it was still under the OEM warrenty (5yrs) and Seagate sent me a new HD for free! Now, unforturately, they DID have an old 1.2 GB HD laying around so I didn't get a free upgrade, however, the rep said that they would send the closest size. So, considering the current HD market I would check with either the OEM and/or Apple and see what they would send!

            Edit: One more thing, Apple used to ship repairs overnight UPS, so even if you had to ship the entire computer, it should be less than 3-5 weeks (although I'd check first!).

            I already got went out over the weekend and picked up a 7200 RPM 30GB Maxtor drive at CompUSA. I do have AppleCare but with my luck they'll put another *cough* cheapo Western Digital 6GB harddrive... I'll check with the tech to place a order for a new hdd via Apple but I doubt the center will do it(it'll take 3-4 weeks for parts). If the tech gets the new drive from Apple I may just get a USB case and put the hdd into it.... the original drive in my G3 was a cheap 5400 RPM drive(sloow)
            [This message has been edited by MacCiv (edited March 19, 2001).]

