Now that I'm using cable, I'm also using IE 5 for Mac. The odd thing is that all the page frames are different from what I saw in the AOL browser or in IE 4.5. Is some thing different about IE 5 or is there a setting so that I can view the Forum pages correctly? All frames are now sized and centered the same. For example, when I first enter a Forum site, the topic column is much narrower that it used to be and only holds 14 characters before wrapping around. The entire image (6 columns) is centered and only fills about 4 inches of the page. The Post It page (where I am now) has two very wide columns of equal width and the Message window is much smaller and shoved over to the right of the page.
Any suggestions? Use Netscape, maybe?
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
Any suggestions? Use Netscape, maybe?

Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad