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Cross Platform Multiplay

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  • Cross Platform Multiplay

    I tried a multi player game using 1.1b4 vs. a PC-using friend who downloaded the 1.3 update from Microprose. The experience was a rocky one.

    The first problem we had was he had the wrong update... when he tried to connect to my host, his 1.1-updated PC version just timed out. When I connected to his host, the Mac version explained what was going on by describing the client and server versions. However, nothing on any website or readme explained what client and/or server version corresponded to the build numbers we saw in that dialog.

    The first time we did get connected, I was hosting. The game didn't recognize the custom names we entered, instead giving us default names. I didn't try using custom titles. After several turns, the game locked up. This is only a guess, but it's possible that it was a video driver problem since the crash happened when I had the (not resizable )-: ) chat window spanning two monitors. I've noticed lockups with the Voodoo 3 b10 drivers when I switch monitors with a single window, or have a window spanning more than one monitor. Doesn't make sense, but there you are.

    We were able to reconnect from a saved game, which was nice. This time, when we connected, the game recognized our new names (however, we did not get a chance to customize our titles when we reconnected). This time, the game lasted a few more turns (five or six) until I encountered my friend's civilization. When we went into the encounter dialog, I proposed a peace treaty, he prepared a counter offer, then the game locked up.

    We reconnected again, played a few more turns, and my *control strip* crashed at the same time that he was opening a hut. I lost the connection to him, and had to restart.

    The last time we reconnected, the game just lost the connection to him... not sure if he was doing anything special.

    My overall experience is that the "multiplayer" aspect of the Gold edition is still completely broken, even in the latest beta. Too bad, too, because I'd really like to try some multiplayer games.

    _/\ Carch
    _/\ C
    Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crud.

  • #2
    Hmmm. I've been having really good luck with MP lately. Yesterday, I played in a game against one Mac and two PCs. The game went on for 7.5 hours and had a few drops, but nothing too annoying. (Playing for 7.5 hours was the REAL problem, ask my neglected spouse!) I do wonder about the multiple monitors. Is that strictly a hardward issue or do apps need to support/tolerate that feature? I personally have never tried that.

    Finbar, thoughts?

    Different is GOOD!

    AOL IM--JacSamDad

    "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

    Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


    • #3
      Hmmm...well its sounds like you know your stuff.I still have occasional crashes.Nothing like this situation though.

      I run with sound effects,wait at end of turn,show enemy moves,and suppress casualty timeline-on.City reports-on.EVERYTHING thing else-off.Especially graphics options.In particular,the diplomacy screen.

      Although it is the idea to do things on others turns,I have had most of my probs happen while I was "managing" on AI turns.Also had some crashes during Barb moves.

      give it more memory and cross your fingers.

      Make sure your freind gets the right patch.

      Custom civs are lost when a freeze or crash occurs.You cannot custom a saved civ.The host has to save every turn(or should).If you "go back" after a prob then your customed should still be there.The host's customed civ often survives problems.
      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


      • #4
        We tried this again last night, this time with the PC guy hosting. We had much better luck... played for a couple hours and several dozen turns before problems started cropping up. But they did crop up.

        We had another crash when I tried a counter proposal during negotiations with him, so there may be something flaky there. Another crash happened just as I finished SOL. Had one crash bringing up a city dialog, and another crash when I clicked on a radio button in a "zoom to city" dialog.

        The crashes seemed to get more frequent as the game progressed, and we finally gave up after it crashed 3 turns in a row.

        The dialog problems make me wonder if this could be a video driver problem. When I play solo, though, the game almost *never* locks up. If it does crash, it happens on quit.

        I've given the app lots of memory (20 MB), maybe I'll try giving it more. I also run with all the graphic options turned off. I'm also tempted to do a clean system install in case my problem is something weird like a corrupted font.

        I have a *lot* more difficulty in netgames, though, so I wonder if there's something about that chat with kings window that is causing trouble.

        At any rate, we're going to continue our game from 200 AD tomorrow night and see how it goes. We played for a little over six hours yesterday

        _/\ C

        p.s. thanks for your responses and encouragement... I hope I can work this out, multiplay is a lot of fun! (when it works...)
        _/\ C
        Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crud.


        • #5
          Have to say I've been having fewer and fewer probs MPing with PCs and that's playing with Civers from all over the world in the same game. I tend to host a lot because I've got a dedicated line, and people sometimes get bumped. It's impossible to know which end is at fault.

          I play with effects & autosave on, about 50% of the City Report options on, and that's it.

          In recent times, the only identifiable problem has been when someone's been booted and they're hotjoining, it has caused others to be booted. (Which would suggest that whatever glitch caused the original bootee to be booted is still around). Solution: restart.

          Still, despite these things, how much better is it now than it used to be? Trawl back through some of the early posts about probs with the Mac MPG. How far we've come!

          Mono Rules!

          " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
          "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.

