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Mac ICQ different that PC version?

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  • Mac ICQ different that PC version?

    I seem to notice that the features on the Mac version of ICQ are different from the PC version. Anyone else notice this? PC users have the ability to see pictures in profiles and can send the same message to multiple users (handy when servers crash in MP). Any thoughts? I am using ver 1.7.2 beta

    Different is GOOD!

    AOL IM--JacSamDad

    "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

    Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!

  • #2
    I just upgraded to the same version. For want of anything better to do, I checked out the ICQ Home Page and the link to Mac things. Forget the actual progression. Anyway, there were a lot of Mac users slagging off the second-rate Mac version of the product.

    Still, I love the Elephant trumpet thing.


    Mono Rules!
    " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
    "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.

