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Take2 buys Firaxis

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  • #16
    All the graphic bugs, CTDs, and nothing really new other than some fancy graphics and new, but in some cases flawed diplomacy (snip)
    What planet are you from? Have you actually tried this game?

    As a harcore CIV player since CIV 1 when I was 14 and an extreme Infogrames detractor, my opinion is that this version is solid.

    I think the comparisons to MOO3 are just not true. If you don't believe me, I'd recommend "trying b4 buying". I think you'll buy it, I did!


    • #17
      Agreed. MOO3 is a disaster. While CivIV is flawed and needs some patches, there is no comparison.
      Virginia Tech Hokies--->GO HOKIES!!!


      • #18
        I don't know if this is good news or bad.

        On the one hand, if Firaxis is having cash flow problems, this is good.

        On the other hand, Take2 could potentially negatively influence the development path at Firaxis now.

        I'm with the "wait and see" crowd. I want to see them put out the patch first... and then see what else is planned in the future.
        What is


        • #19
          Gray, after buying it I couldn't load it. My time & situation in life is frustarating me so I've decided to stick with C3C for now, and I'm still having fun with it.

          I was disapointed in ctp1, but ctp2 got rid of most of the problems and the new user-made mod Ages of Man has good reviews, you might want to try it.

          When the age of mega mergers started under Regan, I had a wait and see attitude. I've seen enough to get quite nervous, but the difference between Infogrammes and TakeTwo was that Info had maybe 20% of the civ market after they ****ed up ctp1, TakeTwo has 100%. It's big enough to make planned obsolence worthwhile, but may slow innovation.


          • #20
            Good for them. Let them make some money while at the same time getting a larger backing for future games. Maybe they'll revive Dinosaurs!


            • #21
              I say wait and see. Take 2 wouldn't gain much by preventing patches or development kits to get out as it would probably hurt expansion packs sales.
              Clash of Civilization team member
              (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
              web site and forum here on apolyton)


              • #22
                Originally posted by MarkG
                wow, how people tend to forget....
                this is NOTHING like the moo3 release
                MOO3? ..rings a faint bell
                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

