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Civ.DOS - TerraForm - a MAP & GAME Editor for CIV.Dos

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  • Civ.DOS - TerraForm - a MAP & GAME Editor for CIV.Dos

    there's now ( 2005 ! ) a handy

    for Civilization " 1 " , the Dos Version
    Civilization for DOS
    Sid Meier's Civilization

    (like we know it for Civ CivNet or Civilization 2 , 3 , 4 )'s a FREE tool
    editing game files works as well with winXP and win98(se).
    you may help to fine-debug it
    and suggest additional features...

    you may look here for it --->
    TerraForm -- a map editor for Civilization dos The current version does not require a key. Download TerraForm 7.0.105 2Sep2019 Download TerraForm 8.0.126 1Jan2024 See attched file file size 1.99 mb TerraForm is distributed as an exe file, after removing it from the zip a double click will...

    you (just) have to register for a key
    because the programmer ( Dack ) wants to know
    how many people have interest in (t)his work.
    Last edited by capone; February 23, 2007, 17:04.

  • #2
    additional hint
    for the
    Civilization Civ " 1 " DOS

    SVE - Editor
    July 20, 2014 new version 08.01 CIV$ version 07.90 040414 This is an update. It now runs on XP and Win 2000. Run it at the command prompt or Run... at the Start button. down load CIV$0790.ZIP...

    Change the treasure amount of any country.
    Control of Civilization advances.
    Shows Advances others have that you don't.
    Quick Start of CIV.
    Quick removal of barbarians
    Addition or removal of units from a map.
    Editing of city size and contents
    !!!Control of Wonders!!! never found a SVE-editor before that gives you full control for this...!
    Last edited by capone; December 12, 2005, 00:17.


    • #3
      Civ Editor for civilization "1" ( DOS )
      by Carlos Medeiros
      CiV ED cived.1.4 civilization edit civ dos 1 civdos game editor version cived ver. vers 1.4

      that's able to change
      a lot within with a graphic user interface ( GUI )

      - *.MAP files
      - *.SVE files
      the CiV.EXE

      HEY! I just thought of something! If you sell buildings and they go to the barbarians, then I THINK you can use the "switch sides" cheat and play as the barbarians!!

      freeware program ('cheat'/modification) tool CivEd 1.4
      you can switch in CivDOS Games
      your tribe, your money, your techs and difficulty level ( chieftain up to empereor )
      afterwards in the game...
      ( and 100 other things ) easily ...

      it works great with win3.*** | win95 | win98(se) for sure -
      ...maybe with any other / your windows version too?

      ...a fine cheat program with a comfortable GUI.
      the complete setup-files
      are in the attached ZiP - file...
      Last edited by capone; December 12, 2005, 00:27.


      • #4
        version 1.0.35


        is out now.

        Last edited by capone; April 2, 2006, 17:38.


        • #5
          Hey, do you maybe know of a program that would let me view Civ1 graphic files?


          • #6
            Originally posted by VetLegion
            Hey, do you maybe know of a program that would let me view Civ1 graphic files?
            there's something like 'pic.exe'
            Does anybody know it? There's PIC.EXE program that views it but I'm too lazy to disassemle... :mischief:

            on the net,
            but i presume it's some kind of programmer tool and not handy...
            but graphics should be viewable with it somehow...

            in most cases
            gif-screenshots within DOSBOX
            will give the same quality.


            • #7
              Yeah, solved it with DOSBOX.

              Note to others: DOSBOX has a key (Ctrl+F5?, I forgot) that lets you take a screenshot of the entire viewbox. You don't have to use the windows print screen button, and then crop the image manually


              • #8
                Version 2

                is on the way!

                Join the (beta) TESTS >>>

                where is the latest TERRAFORM version download link? what a D#*3 _ F§$%&#* _ S$%& ... (no-no-no - that's NO 'reg key' - although it looks like it) What is that? ... You are our only hope. Then we are all in real...


                • #9

                  CivDOS TerraForm MapEditor
                  Version 2.0.49 2Oct06

                  is now available.

                  TerraForm -- a map editor for Civilization dos The current version does not require a key. Download TerraForm 7.0.105 2Sep2019 Download TerraForm 8.0.126 1Jan2024 See attched file file size 1.99 mb TerraForm is distributed as an exe file, after removing it from the zip a double click will...

                  for the update.


                  • #10
                    • Shift-56 CHEAT
                      Shift-56 (sometimes shift 1 to 8) cheat, only available in 474.01.
                      It was/is the player-test mode for Microprose play testers.
                      Refresh the map after pressing Shift 5-6 (or SHiFT + % + ^ + t + t)
                      (by moving the cursor or pressing t twice)
                      and you will see the map of the whole world.
                      You can click on the cities of other players and unfortify their troops
                      and sell their city improvements

                      F7 will show you the development profile of each civilization, showing you all their advances and allowing you to see if they have a vendetta against you.

                      F8 shows you the powergraph and allows you to see a replay up to that point.

                      F9 shows numbers representing the attack points, defense points, and 3 of the cities the computer uses to calculate battle, on each continent (along with giving the size of each continent in land squares.

                      F10 shows a complete world map.

                      The other function keys sometimes do their normal functions,
                      but they mess up the display a lot of the time...
                    • "SAVEGAME" CHEAT (save a game at critical phase or everytime, load the save game again and try any action again and again until the result satisfies you - for example the hut change to a city, you win the fight against an opponent ...and so on...)
                      The Save Game Cheat
                      Apart from the obvious reasons for saving regularly. It is well known that the computer cheats when it comes to World Wonders. They appear to be awarded randomly to any city the computer likes. If one gets awarded, it is possible to go back to your last save, and the chances are that it won't be awarded again for a while.

                      Another use for the save option is when you are having problems attacking your enemies because of an uncooperative senate.

                      * 1. Have a revolution
                      * 2. Attack whoever you wish
                      * 3. Save the game
                      * 4. Reload it
                      * 5. You will be prompted for the type of government you require
                    • "WATERBRiDGE" CHEAT (use a ship and up to 2 settlers to build railroad tracks on water -> additional trade/science/happy points on water squares)
                      The Settler/Railroad at Sea Cheat
                      Have a settler in a ship.
                      Command the ship to "U"nload.
                      Command the settler to "R"oad.
                      Click on the ship. (I'm assuming you have a mouse)
                      Click on the settler's icon in the pop-up, "waking up" the settler
                      Press some key or click elsewhere to clear the pop-up (I press "R")
                      Go back to the step of commanding the settler to "R"oad.
                      Once the settler completes a phase (road or rail) the ship underneath
                      it must move once, to make it willing to start again.
                      I find it best to use *two* settlers; for each sea square one builds
                      the road, the other builds the rail; then move the ship. With two ships
                      and a ship movement cheat (q.v.) there is no theoretical limit to how
                      much of the ocean can be railroaded in a single turn
                      ---Bob O'Bob
                    • SETTLER CHEAT (start any 'settler action' over & over again until (for example)
                      the road is build, the hills change to mines, the jungle change to grassland, the grassland is irrigated in one turn
                      The Settler Cheat
                      Most settler functions take from 2 to 12 turns to accomplish. Any of them can be accomplished in one turn by putting the settler a square, pressing R or M or I or whatever, clicking on the settler to make it blink again (which seemingly aborts the function) and pressing R again. Keep repeating this process until the road or irrigation is finished. If you turn on the End-of-Turn feature, this helps you perform the desired function in one turn. Otherwise you could just keep some nearby piece blinking so that the turn doesn't end before you've milked the cheat for all it's worth. Irrigating swamp takes 10 or 11 turns so this cheat is real handy.
                    • TERRAFORM CHEATS
                      will be detected. don't use TERRAFORM to cheat!!!

                    the reason(s) to name these cheats is
                    you just might guess that some contestants/opponents did use -for example- the savegame cheat or settler cheat, but that's all...
                    so everyone may use these cheats - if you don't, you may lose -
                    don't come around here complaining: 'i do not cheat, blah blah blah...'
                    you have to savegame cheat, settler-one-turn cheat , maybe waterbridge...
                    Period. :king:



                    You may switch to another tribe
                    to start as any tribe you can select
                    Warlord | Prince | King | Empereor

                    with this win3.** | win95 | win98(se) | winME
                    compatible windows -FREEWARE- CivDOS Game editor (released 1993)
                    located here --->
                    HEY! I just thought of something! If you sell buildings and they go to the barbarians, then I THINK you can use the "switch sides" cheat and play as the barbarians!!

                    (please save the game first within your CivDOS.1
                    to change the size of the file to 'normal') ...

