If you are nearby one of 27 iGames (iG) centers set to through a launch party for Civilization: Civilization's availability in North America, you could win up to $1,500US if you film it and film it well. Being held this coming Saturday, it precedes 75 centers in total across the continent will be showcasing the game from July 14th-27th.
One entry per person, the winner will be announced on August 11th. Deadline for submission will be July 21st at 12PM PDT. Each valid and complete entry will be published online for viewing by the public from July 21st-August 4th. To attend a party to film it in the first place, you must be(come) a member of iG.
One entry per person, the winner will be announced on August 11th. Deadline for submission will be July 21st at 12PM PDT. Each valid and complete entry will be published online for viewing by the public from July 21st-August 4th. To attend a party to film it in the first place, you must be(come) a member of iG.