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Gov Specific Twists

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  • Gov Specific Twists

    I've done some experimenting with gov specific buildings in my mod, and I think I might have figured out something interesting.

    First of all, it's never really made sense to me that a Temple built in 4000 BC still has relevance in 2000 AD; people's views on religion have changed drastically over the years. But from a gameplay viewpoint, losing that culture can be a setback.

    So I've come up with a secondary line of religious buildings that aren't gov specific, but require another building that is. So far I've come up with Shrine for Despotism which only allows for the construction of the Oracle, which isn't gov specific. Temples are for Monarchy which allows for the constuction of a Monastery, and Churches are for Republic, which allows for the construction of Cathedrals.

    Neither Democracy or Communism have any specific religious buildings, instead Democracy has a City Hall happiness building. Communism has nothing along those lines, I'm trying to emphasize the unhappiness of people living in those types of regimes.

    Another thought about this is that I lose alot of happiness creators for my citizens. So I've come up with a whole new line of buildings starting with Inns, then Hotels and finally Resorts, each making one happy face. Ever since the dawn of civilization, there's been some tavern/restaurant type business where people go to hang out and have a good time, and now entertainment businesses are huge in terms of giving people a break from the monotony of their lives.

  • #2
    If you build an improvement that is government specific, do you still get charged maintenance costs while in a different government?


    • #3
      No, the building disappears from your city list and no longer has any effect in the game.


      • #4
        If you switch back to that gov, does it reappear?


        • #5
          Yes it does. The buildings are still there, they just don't appear in your city list other than when you're in that particular government type. As soon as you switch back, they'll be active again.


          • #6
            Let me get this straight

            So If you Build a temple while in monarchy, you can proceed to build Monastary (presumably with the tecchs around the early middleages) what about if you leave Monarchy, you cannot build new temples I presume, and the current temples dissapear/no longer count in the town, but the Monastary still exists and effects the game, If you want to build further Monastaries you must go back into Monarchy to actiavte the temples YES?
            EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


            • #7
              Yes that's it exactly. It makes the Monastery essentially a gov specific building even though it still functions in other forms, since I can no longer build it anymore. I could go on even and add another tier on top of the Monastery, so that I might end up with a few cities that are unique.

              I'm don't know how it's actually going to work in a game, I haven't had a chance to test it yet. But it seems to me that it would probably put me on a more even playing field with the AI. It's not as good at building as I am, much more haphazard, so having to rebuld my infrastructure every time I change govs will probably even things out more.

