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adding new units?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SpydraXxX
    Let me ask you then, can I just make the grid in Units_32 bigger so I won't run out of room? I read somewhere a guy has over 332 units? WOW!
    Yes, you can add more spaces in any graphics program. I've read that there's a limit but I'm not sure what it is exactly. One time I read 256, another 4096, and now 332. I personally haven't bothered with that file myself, I just use a pre-existing unit's icon.

    Also, when you rename a unit, you use it everywhere, but is there something special you need to do to get them on another .bic? Say I download someones mod, Can I use my units?
    Well there is an Import feature in the editor, which you'll find in the File field, but that will overwrite all the units the mod maker may have added. The only other way is to repeat the steps you've taken to add them yourself.

    soooooooooo Happpppppppppyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
    I can sleep tonight!!!!!!!
    It's always nice to get an enthusiastic reply after helping someone out. Glad I was able to help.


    • #17
      Originally posted by SpydraXxX
      Couldn't someone who knows this process, type out a step by step and leave that on a post for people to look at when they come across this problem? Seems like it would save time and effort for those whom already know... Ya know..? Unless there is one, and I just didn't see it...
      Well yes there are several in fact, both here and over at Civ Fanatics. Which is probably one reason why no one has replied to your previous requests. You've actually posted this in the wrong forum, Help is more for technical problems. What you wanted is all in the Creation forum, which is also where you're most likely to have gotten a reply.


      • #18
        Thanks for the help, even though I'm in the wrong area. I'll go over there and see what I've missed....



        • #19
          I see the tutorials...

          I could've done things easier I guess......

