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MOD: Rhye's of Civilization: the fastest loading mod

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  • MOD: Rhye's of Civilization: the fastest loading mod

    This modpack tries to make a Civ3 game based on Earth map as most realistic and historically correct as possible.
    The purpose is to obtain this with no scenario (just civs beginning in 4000 B.C in their starting locations),
    and without adding wonders, techs or resources.

    It features:
    1. An improvement of Kal-El's 140x140 Earth map
    2. Speed improvement: loading times are reduced up to 96%. Yes, it's not a joke.
    3. Inca civ complete with leaderhead, Unique Unit and (PTW only) King unit
    4. An innovative set of rules made on purpose for this map: all the problems of game balancement with Earth maps have been solved
    5. A new terrain set based on Sn00py's 4.1 greener version
    6. Compatibility with both regular Civ3 (BIC) and Play The World (BIX)

    Now, let me demonstrate the speed improvement.
    The reasons of these results are a long matter and are fully explained in the readme, so I won't say anything about it now.

    (Kal-El's, Arne's and Teturkhan's Earth map were used in the following test)

    Installing instructions are in the readme.doc
    It is not included in the other files, so download it before the modpack.
    Please read it carefully, to understand how it works,
    and perhaps add your contribute to the effort of making this modpack with some suggestions.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    You have to download the file belonging to your civ3 version (regular or PTW).
    If you have a slow connection and you want to avoid downloading 8MB you can
    download the "static" version instead. It contains a static leaderhead instead of animated.

    Regular Civ3: (12.9MB)

    Regular Civ3 static version: (5MB)

    PTW: (13.4MB)

    PTW static version: (5.5MB)


    • #3
      These changes look very interesting, and I will probably give them a go sometime soon.


      • #4
        Might note

        I was under the impression that somehow you modified the game code for efficient game speed, I personally wouldn't count the % reduction comparison from a 140x140 map to a 256x256 map. Maybe if you apply your game changes to a 256x256 map version of your Mod, run the game and then compare the speed of the old rules to your new rules.
        I like your rule changes, the ones I didn't know or think of I've implemented in some of my mods thanks for that.
        EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


        • #5
          Thanks. It is a great compliment, to be said to have reached the same result as modifying the game code!!
          If you want to use some of the rules I invented, just quote me and this mod's name.
          And if you liked them , I'd like a good thread rating, too

          If you want to know the loading time with 256x256 map, just look at the ratios in the 140 column (80% and 56%) and apply them to the 256 times. It should be 0:58 and 3:35

