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PTW problem

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  • PTW problem

    Hi all,

    When playing PTW I sometimes crash to the desktop when I double-click on one of my cities. Im using the both the european (english) civilization3 and ptw and I installed the 1.14f patch.

    Sometimes it happens after 30 minutes of playing and sometimes it happens after 2 hours.

    I've tried reinstalling the game but it did'nt help. I got so desperate that I even formatted the whole computer and installed only the OS and the civ games.

    Comp specs:

    AMD AthlonXP 2000+
    1536 MB DDR
    160 GB HD
    Geforce 4 128 MB
    Windows XP pro

    I dont have a firewall installed and norton anti virus is disabled.

    I hope some of you can help me solve this problem. Thx in advance...

  • #2
    Does it happen with a specific save at a specific time (i.e can you recreate it by loading the game from an autosave and do the same things)?
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      As far as I know it happens at random times, and it allways happens when playing online... so I dont have any savegames to see if it happens everytime on the same turn/move. I never had any problems playing offline.

      Im also sure it has nothing to do with my connection since I have had the problem when I still used a cablemodem and Im now using ADSL.
      Last edited by 4eyes; April 5, 2003, 13:21.


      • #4
        If you are not the host in these games, it could be a problem with another's game and the files they have in their PTW folder. Sometimes people modify files and use them in SP as well as MP games, this can cause random crashes when information doesn't match up between the files for the game.

