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This Forum and the Directory

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  • This Forum and the Directory

    When I want to upload my map, I have three options:

    1) Use this Forum;
    2) Use the Upload option;
    3) Use the DIrectory.

    Which one should I use? The file index on this Forum seems a bit out-of-date.
    Greatest moments in cat:

  • #2
    post it in the Creation Forum and King Gramphos will move it into the Files Forum.

    You can post it in the directory if you want, but I rarely use that.
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    Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
    I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!


    • #3
      How did you mannage to post a new thread in the FILES forum. Normal users shall not be able to do so, so I overlooked this one for a while.
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #4
        OK - but, Gramphos, could you answer the question?

        The answer to your question is: "I just did".
        Greatest moments in cat:


        • #5
          Do you have any special forum permissions anywhere?

          And for your question:
          You shall post a thread in this forum which I shall move to the FILES forum. Once moved you have the option to post an entry in the Directory which will be autorized.

          The Upload option is if you have a file larger than the attachment limit. In that case you should upload the file first and than link to it in the thread you post.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            I am Moderator of the Lux Invicta Forum. Can that have to do with it?
            Greatest moments in cat:


            • #7
              Fully possible.

              Just as you know: If you post a file directly in the Files forum you will probably not make the new files news, unless you PM me about it that is.
              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

