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SCENARIO: The Napoleonic Wars Mk. II

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  • #31

    i have made a scottish soldier
    Attached Files
    thanks to all soldiers in all the wars that they have given me the freedom to speak and write,like the germans,english,austrians and russians in the napoleonics wars,like the france,english,american and russians in ww2
    and thanks for all the losers for losing.
    soldiers dont make mistakes ,political does


    • #32
      Not to be offensive or anything but this is not the unit he waited for desperately before starting again because there is such a unit at Civfanatics already (and maybe here too).
      The Great Armada scenario


      • #33
        What unit(s) is he desparately needing?


        • #34
          Well, I guess a bunch of very different units from that period but a few have been made.

          Flintlock by Smoking Mirror
          English guard by BAP
          Scottish rifleman by Lab Monkey I believe.

          I was preparing to create a bunch of units for tha ear but Steph might convert many from a Cossack game (with agreement) so I will basically put on hold after I am finished with the units I am currently making.

          - France Imperial Guard Grenadier (modif of Smoking Mirror's Flintlock) : done
          - Swedish Line infantry : very advanced
          - Russian Line Musketeer : default only at the moment
          - Russian Line Grenadier : someone is helping me on that one currently.

          But that won't be enough so we will have to wait for the entire conversion I suspect.

          And actually I highly suspect there will be a Napoleonic scenario in Conquests (and maybe Trip contributed).

          For a preview of the upcoming Swedish Line infantry (Russian previews have been posted already):
          Attached Files
          The Great Armada scenario


          • #35
            Originally posted by LouLong
            I was preparing to create a bunch of units for tha ear but Steph might convert many from a Cossack game (with agreement) so I will basically put on hold after I am finished with the units I am currently making.
            Yeah, I volunteered to help Steph but that group pretty told me I was useless and had no talent.


            • #36
              Originally posted by GhengisFarb

              Yeah, I volunteered to help Steph but that group pretty told me I was useless and had no talent.
              ??? I am helping him for the present Cossack units and I can tell you you don't need any talent. It is just plain boring work. So there might have been some misunderstanding.

              The Napoleonic units would be another project anyway, especially since he starts converting American Conquest units (roughly 70 real new units) now !
              The Great Armada scenario


              • #37

                yeah i see the problems ,thanks for help ,i think i can make it now

                and yes there are 497 units make by civfanatics,the same scotsh soldier,just alittle better then my

                now i look for something that dont exit,like
                snake pistol,john wayne or terminator
                thanks to all soldiers in all the wars that they have given me the freedom to speak and write,like the germans,english,austrians and russians in the napoleonics wars,like the france,english,american and russians in ww2
                and thanks for all the losers for losing.
                soldiers dont make mistakes ,political does


                • #38
                  Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                  Yeah, I volunteered to help Steph but that group pretty told me I was useless and had no talent.
                  News for you !

                  We need help to convert the last Cossack units and your help is definitely welcome. Just send a mail to Steph at

                  I am pretty sure there was some confusion before when you proposed your help (provided you have or download the trial version of PSP).
                  The Great Armada scenario

