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State of the "scenario editor" - a question

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  • State of the "scenario editor" - a question

    Hello everyone,

    I haven't been here in about 6 months or more... not since PTW came out.

    I was wondering what state the scenario editor is currently in.

    Under the regular CivIII I had created a .bic with cities, and some units placed on the map, but this was not playable due to the limitations at the time. I was wondering if historical scenarios are now playable.

    -this includes events and everything else that was included in Civ II.

    I had really wanted to make this scenario since CivIII actually has "territory", and has more civilizations.

    thanks for the updates guys. (I am trying to figure out if I should get PTW so that I can make some real scenarios...)

    -Zen Blade

  • #2
    The editor has been improved, but it is still impossible to preset Diplomatic attitudes or include events into the scenarios.

    There are still some good scenarios out there, but it's a shame that this excellent community has been denied the tools it needs to do the best and most interesting work.
    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


    • #3
      I also have questions about the scenario editor.

      So I was reading that you can add citizen types now. Does the game correctly check the popheads file now?

      Can you add techs now without having to delete tech icons?

