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Civ-specific techs/wonders/buildings

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  • Civ-specific techs/wonders/buildings

    Hi all,

    I came up with a workaround that gives civ-specific techs/wonders/buildings, something I haven't been able to find after poking around for a while here or in the PTWeditor. The idea is to give a tech, say "Bananology" to your civ, eg. the "monkey people" and make the cost 1000 while making a prerequisite "Prereq" giving that a cost of 1000. Now you can base a whole tech tree on Bananology. As a correllary, you can assign wonder-like powers to your civ, by say creating "the Great Banana" (a cost 1 wonder available to build immediately) which gives +2 happy faces per city since Monkey people are by nature happier than, say, the Germans...
    Anyway, the question is, does this mess up the AI civs? Will they try to research the Prereq tech even though it costs 1000 in the ancient era? Would you have to daisy-chain 10 dummy Prereq techs to prevent them from trying? or would that even help? I tried to assign one of the modern era techs as the prereq, but the nazi editor wouldn't allow me to do that
    If anyone has any insight into this, that would be cool. And if there's an easier way, that would be cooler .

    If Bush bought America, why shouldn't he sell Iraq?

  • #2
    Apart from research, an AI civ may get the tech from a goody hut.

    You could try tying improvements to a specific resource. For example create the resource bananas, set a banana at your starting location (making sure no are bananas are present on the map) so you are guaranteed access. Next set up your buildings in the editor and set the prerequites as access to bananas and the appropriate technology. Not exactly a sophisticated approach but it will work (unless you lose your capital).


    • #3
      Flag your Advances as belonging to Era "None". These can only be assigned to Civs, and cannot be researched or traded -- nor will they appear via Goody Hut -- but they can be requirements for research in any era.

      ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


      • #4
        Ah, thanks,

        I hadn't thought about the goodie huts, but I thought I tried the "None" thing, must've brain-farted on that one... I will try it again.

        As for the resource trick, I was hoping to make the monkey people portable, not tied to any one map, so the banana resource, while delicious to think about, is out in this case.

        The other correllary to this worder=civ ability thing is that another civ can come along and steal your wonder, not only removing your special ability, but taking it for themselves. Of course this could be a FEATURE , making this city really strategically important... Does the AI place strategic value on wonders like this??

        If you could tie the special ability to the palace...that would eliminate the ability stealing bit... I'll have to see if I can make that work

        Anyway, thanks for the replies

        If Bush bought America, why shouldn't he sell Iraq?


        • #5
          What techs/wonders/buildings did you have in mind?

