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Help! Cannot upgrade units

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  • Help! Cannot upgrade units

    No matter what I try, I can't upgrade my units. Nothing happens when selecting a unit and hitting "u". When I hit "Shift-U", I consistently get the message "There is not a single ***** (spearman, warrior, pikeman, what have you) that can be upgraded". I have the required techs and the resources available in the city the unit is located in.

    The bug list states "*Obsolete Units are in the build que throughout the game: The following units do not upgrade: Swordsman, Longbowman, Cavalry, Frigate, Ironclad, Bomber, Privateer. Thus they, or less advanced units if the special resources needed to construct these obsolete units are not available will always be in the build que. So swordsmen and cavalry will clutter up the build que even in the late game" (Anyone to tell them how to spell queue?)

    I would interpret that to apply only to the build queue in cities (albeit the second sentence is not 100% clear that way; still, pikemen are not mentioned, and I cannot upgrade my pikemen to musketmen either), and I have found no other thread with a smilar problem. Therefore I assume I'm just not doing the right thing.

    Help anyone?

  • #2
    Never give an AI an even break.


    • #3
      Good question. Are they needed? Haven't found that to be a requirement anywhere. Believe me, I frantically searched the manual for any requirement I might have forgotten (Haven't played the game in a while and just pulled it from the back shelf some days ago), but I couldn't find any. Barracks may well be the one, as I seldom build any before Sun Tzu's academy comes along.


      • #4
        I think you need barracks.
        For your photo needs:

        Sell your photos


        • #5
          You need barracks to upgrade land units, harbours to upgrade naval units and airports to upgrade air units.

          Only units in a city with the appropriate improvement can be upgraded.

          I think this is in the Civilopaedia rather than the manual but is definitely a requirement.
          Never give an AI an even break.


          • #6
            Thanks so much. Now let's get back and beat the s*** out of those English that are pressing out of South-East Africa like there's no tomorrow (I'm playing Marla's World Map)

