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Need WW2 Help for scenario!

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  • Need WW2 Help for scenario!

    Need WW2 Help for scenario!
    I'm making a worldwide WW2 scenario for PTW. It incorporates all the WW2 units included on the disk.

    The civs are
    Free France
    Vichy France
    Neutral Provinces

    The scenario will be set for December 8 1941. Now what I need is this: a list of generals for each civ that I can put in as leaders.
    I also need to know
    -Who do you think should be the leader of Japan, the emperor or one of the military guys?
    -What is Chiang Kai-shek's title?
    -Who was a prominent leader of a neutral country (i.e. Belgium or Sweden)?

    Also list any really important things you want to see in this scenario (city placement, etc) but be warned I don't plan to add any leaderheads or other units just to keep the download size low. I will also minimize the starting units to keep the loading time down.
    World War 2 Worldwide
    Muddy Flood Plains
    World Map

  • #2
    Don't forget Finland.
    I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


    • #3

      Britain, not England.

      Oh, and we still had an empire then, so if it's a large map in which it takes place then you need to keep that in mind.

      -And our navy was a big bastard.


      • #4
        In ww2 it is also race use at "pounded Watter"...
        to nuclear weapons!


        • #5
          England renamed Great Britain (yes, the whole empire will be there)
          Russia renamed Soviet Union
          Turkey added
          Finland will be controlled by Germany

          So how about some leader names?
          World War 2 Worldwide
          Muddy Flood Plains
          World Map


          • #6
            How soon will your scenario be done?

            Has anyone else completed a global WWII scenario?

            Why wasn't that on the PTW disc?

            We'll come back later and get the rest. When I say we, I mean you. --The Grinch


            • #7
              OK, here goes strictly from memory. I suggest that you check spelling before using any of these leaders.

              Model (Not really an outstanding leader)
              Rundstedt (Same as above)

              Rommel may be the most famous, but Guderian and Manstein had a greater impact on the course of the war.

              Liddel Hart (I don't think he actually fought during the war, but he was THE most important advocate of armoured warfare outside Germany prior to the war)
              Montgomery (Probably overrated...)

              Patton, Patton, Patton
              Did I mention Patton? But seriously, compared to him, most of the other Allied leaders seem uninspiring. Nevertheless, you should probably include:


              Free French:
              De Gaulle

              I can't think of any army leaders for Italians, Japanese or minor countries. However, if you want to include leaders from other branches of the armed forces, some notable ones are:
              Cunningham (British)
              Doenitz (German)
              Nimitz, Spruance, Fletcher, Halsey (USA)
              Yamamoto (Japan. He may not have been a tactical genius, but he realized more clearly than most other Japanese leaders just what they had gotten themselves into by attacking the USA.)

              Air Forces:
              Galland (German)
              Spaatz, LeMay (USA)
              "Bomber" Harris (Britain)

              As far as Japan, I would probably go with Tojo as the country's head of state. The Emperor was little more than a figurehead, especially since he saw himself that way, and rarely interefered in the affairs of the Army leaders.

              One interesting thing you might want to try to recreate, is to use a princess unit for Queen Wilhemena (I doubt I spelled that right) of the Netherlands. Preventing her capture by the Germans was an interesting episode.

              Now if you want me to put together a complete laundry list of desired features for a WWII scenario, I could go on for a long time. But I have my own scenario (Not a WWII scn) to design, so I'll refrain.

              On second thought, forget the princesss idea, it won't work the way I'd like it to because, to be sa princess unit, it can't move! Besides, those events happen before your start date. Note to Firaxis: Since a princess unit can't move, it's darn near useless, since there are already victory point locations. If a unit can't move, then it really functions no different than a victory point location. Can you guys change this feature of PTW? (Edited 02-28-2003)
              Last edited by Fanatic; February 28, 2003, 11:17.


              • #8
                As leader of the neutral countries i´d say that Sweden´s prime minister Per Albin Hansson was the most important....

                I believe there was some japanese general Yoshira Umaza. Don´t know how important he was though....

                How about renaming the Neutral Provinces to:
                Sweden (and some other nations) ?
                And ever after, sun shone upon the land of Sunshinia...


                • #9
                  Rundstedt was the highest ranking Field Marshal in the German Army, next to the "Commander in Chief of the Army", who was later retired.

                  Kesselring would be a good addition for Air and Army.

                  As for other German leaders, Kluge, Keitel, Paulus, Bock, Leeb, Kleist, Reichneau (spelling) were all Field Marshals. Halder was Chief of Staff for most of the war.

                  Sweden during WWII was hardly a "neutral" country, they were very supportive of Germany on the whole.


                  • #10
                    Let´s just say that Sweden was as neutral they could be without annoying Germany, which for sure would have made the Germans destroy us...
                    And ever after, sun shone upon the land of Sunshinia...


                    • #11
                      Some more British names:
                      Mountbatten (sea lord, overall commander,South East Asia Command)
                      Auchilenk (General)

                      Vichy Names:
                      Darlan (admiral)

                      Free French:
                      Juin (switched sides)

                      Homma (Gen. Lead Phillipinnes campaign)
                      Kawabe (leader of kohima offensive)
                      Yama****a (took Singapore)
                      Yamauchi (fought in Burma)
                      Karamura (commander, Mandalay)
                      Nagumo (admiral)
                      Nishimura (admiral)
                      Todoya (admiral)

                      Iachino (admiral)
                      Badoglio (overall commander)



                      Also, on civs, you should consider making Minor Axis on the East, such as Rumania and Hungary an independent civ. Their forces fought along the Germans, and were many times the weak point. Also, by 1944 both countries sought to distance themselves from the Germans and make peace with the Soviets.
                      If you don't like reality, change it! me
                      "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                      "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                      "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                      • #12
                        Auchilenk (General) is spelled wrong.

                        I see also that you used most of my German list, on your own. I chose only to list Field Marshals (which isn't a complete list, as there was a total of 17, including Rundstedt, Model, Rommel, and Manstein), and Halder as Chief of Staff.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GePap
                          Also, on civs, you should consider making Minor Axis on the East, such as Rumania and Hungary an independent civ. Their forces fought along the Germans, and were many times the weak point. Also, by 1944 both countries sought to distance themselves from the Germans and make peace with the Soviets.
                          Yeah, my country, Slovakia has the (dis)honour to have been one such quasi-independent (nominally fully independent) state allied with Germany. We even sent two divisions to fight alongside the Germans on the Eastern Front, but after the Slovak National Uprising these units were no longer trusted by the Germans and were relegated to garissoning duties.

                          As to Empires, I strongly suggest making Empires different civs from the 'parent' countries, but under the control of the colonisers. This could be represented by giving them different culture to raise the possibility of rebellion, etc.
                          Rome rules


                          • #14
                            The problem with different civs is they slow down the scenario. I want this to be playable on my computer. I'll see how it runs with the civs as is, then I will add if it is okay.

                            Check out this thread if you want to see the screenshots for the scenario:
                            I'm making a worldwide WW2 scenario for PTW. It incorporates all the WW2 units included on the disk. The civs are: (edit: updated civ list) America Great Britain Soviet Union Free France China Germany Japan Italy Spain Vichy France Turkey Neutral Provinces The scenario will be...

                            That's where I post all the updates and new info. Thanks for all the leaders, everyone, it is very helpful. (By the way De Gaulle can't be a leader because he is Free France's Great Leader.) And I decided to use Hansson as the neutral leader, by popular demand.

                            How soon will the scenario be done? I have no idea, it depends how much time I decide to work on it. Obviously I have other things to do, but I have already placed almost all the cities on the map and now I'm going over them again, doing the infrastructure, culture, population and tile improvements, and double checking the placement. I've done all the civs, techs, units and settings. After the cities I just have to do the units, test it and it will be all done.

                            Are there any other scenarios on the topic? I don't know of any, otherwise I wouldn't be doing this.

                            Why wasn't it on the PTW disk? Because the PTW designers are very hard working people.
                            World War 2 Worldwide
                            Muddy Flood Plains
                            World Map

