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Suggestion: Corruption busting wonders

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  • Suggestion: Corruption busting wonders

    With PTW, it's now possible to combine all the abilities of wonders, small and large, so I've been experimenting with a few Wonders that have the "Reduces Corruption" flag checked.

    For instance, I turned the Forbidden Palace into a wonder. In the latest game I was playing, I was about half way through building it in a choice spot when I was informed that Egypt had beaten me to it. Which means that should I have chosen to, I could attack them, capture the Palace, and have a nice corruption free zone to work with in their territory.

  • #2
    At the risk of sounding like a broken record I still feel that Firaxis should have included the "Counts as _______ in all cities" and "Counts as _______ in all cities on Continent" flags for Small Wonders. This would have opened up a whole host of opportunities for Corruption reducing Small Wonders-for example:

    Parliament-counts as member of Parliament in each city on Continent.

    Senate-Counts as a senator in every city on continent.

    Federal Police-Counts as a Federal Police office in every city on continent.

    Supreme Court-counts as Judicial representation in every city on continent.

    and the list goes on...

    Even though some of the names of the improvements they create sound lame, the important thing is what these small wonders would do for a burgenouning nation!! If you made them all require the palace to build, then you could make your capital into the true "Heart of the Empire" it should be!



    • #3
      I agree with you, I was very disappointed to discover those abilities weren't available with small wonders, I don't really understand why they didn't. Maybe they just don't trust us to use them wisely?

      And since you're sounding like a broken record I'll do the same, I want the "Required goods must be..." flag moved over to the general improvement area.


      • #4
        I don't know why they wouldn't trust us-I mean, with the current editor we already have the ability to make the game completely unbalanced in the humans favour but, if that's what players want to do, then surely that is their business-and they should be given the tools to do so! Some of us, though, would simply like to make some small wonders which not only have the capacity to reduce corruption empire wide, but which also make the Capital of an empire truly worth taking!!!
        Also, Willem, whilst you're mentioning the "Required Goods" flag for general improvements, I'd also like to see the obsolescence flag moved there too. That way, I can have research, corruption-reducing and production improvements which appear in the Ancient age, but which are obsolete by the industrial age and, therefore, must be replaced with their modern equivalents!!



        • #5
          I don't know why they wouldn't trust us-I mean, with the current editor we already have the ability to make the game completely unbalanced in the humans favour but, if that's what players want to do, then surely that is their business-and they should be given the tools to do so! Some of us, though, would simply like to make some small wonders which not only have the capacity to reduce corruption empire wide, but which also make the Capital of an empire truly worth taking!!!
          Also, Willem, whilst you're mentioning the "Required Goods" flag for general improvements, I'd also like to see the obsolescence flag moved there too. That way, I can have research, corruption-reducing and production improvements which appear in the Ancient age, but which are obsolete by the industrial age and, therefore, must be replaced with their modern equivalents!!



          • #6
            Oops, double post . The connections on the computer here were REALLY slow that morning!!!


