I'm sure this has been done a thousand times but I would like some advice on some governments I've created. If you think these would be balanced or not. I'm new to modding and I also have some questions if one of you guys could point me to a FAQ or one of the threads that answers my questions.
OK here are the governments:
Forced Labour
Problematic Corruption
Draft Rate 2
Military Police 3
Support 4,4,8
I replaced monarchy's place on the tech tree with theocracy. I see theocracy as being an improved despotism. High corruption but having the 4 support for towns will make it great for waging war for small civs. You also get the ability for the hanging gardens wonder with the advance of theocracy.
Forced Labour
Nuisance Corruption
Draft Rate 3
Military Police 6
Support 4,6,10
I see this as the ultimate industrial age military machine. Very high support and high military police. Corruption is a problem though. I replaced the communism advance since nationalism is a definite requirement of fascism. The fascism advance also gives you the ability to build the police station like communism used to.
I also changed some of the current governments
Republic stays the same
Because of the creation of Theocracy I bumped up the corruption of Monarchy to nuisance rather then problematic. This will make it sort of an inbetween Government I hope. Good to wage war when your empire gets a little bigger. I put it on the tech tree just after monotheism is created.
Communism I wasn't sure what to do with, it seems communual corruption is broken. Everytime the AI becomes communist it's civ goes down the crapper and I rarely chose communism since communual corruption just sucks. What I've done is give communism minimal corruption instead of communual. I hoped this would make it more viable and make it inbetween Fascism and Democracy for war/trade purpouses. Communism becomes available after the industrialization advance. I also got rid of veteran spies. For reasons below.
Democracy I got rid of the worker bonus and the immune to propaganda. You will see why below.
I wanted to create 2 modern age governments, governments that could be or could have been.
Corporate Tyranny (couldn't think of a better name)
Forced Labour
Minimal Corruption
Draft Rate 4
Military Police 6
Support 6,8,12
Veteran Spies
This government I see as being the ultimate war machine available in the modern era. It is created through massive electronic survielance of the population and is run by mega-corps. The corporate tyranny advance also gives the city improvment electronic survilance this reduces corruption (possible waste also) like a police station.
The other government I got screwed with as the editor was unable to make it. I wanted a social democracy, this would be a libral globalized market with consumers awakened to the ethical parts of buisness. Sort of the flip side of the tyranny above. Unfortunately it wouldn't let me do what I wanted to do. I wanted to make it have a +2 trade bonus and very high war weariness(among other things) the editor would not let me give the trade bonus or very high ww so my idea was screwed here. So instead I chose to experiment with something else.
Social Democracy
Pay Citizens
Worker rate of 3 (150%)
Communual Corruption
Draft Rate 1
Military Police 0
Support 0,0,0
Standard trade bonus
Immune to propaganda
Basically a socialist democracy. It just doesn't seem powerful enough in comparison to the corporate tyranny though and I can't think of a way to make it comparable while still keeping it a trade centered/anti-war government. I wanted to experiment with communual corruption in a non-war like government.
Also do you think with the short time left at the end of the game that it is worthwhile to include modern governments? Maybe making spaceship advances cost more or the parts for the spaceship cost more might make the modern age drag out longer? What do you guys think of all the governments? Balanced or no? Any way to make a trade bonus of +2 outside of the editor or very high war weariness so I can have my social democracy?
Now modding questions:
What's the best program to use to make the little icons for the government types? How the hell do you find out the X and Y coordinates to place the new government techs on the tech tree? How do you draw the lines for new techs? How do you change what the science advisor says when you move over a tech? Why did they make the editor such a limited peice of crap?
Any help or criticism would be great. I wanted to make this a discussion of game balance not politics.
So, no I don't support fascism. Yes I realize that stalin and hitler killed lots of people. Yes I realize to a libertarian a corporate tyranny could not exist since corporations are all run by saints. Ok that should hold off any political discussions I hope.
OK here are the governments:
Forced Labour
Problematic Corruption
Draft Rate 2
Military Police 3
Support 4,4,8
I replaced monarchy's place on the tech tree with theocracy. I see theocracy as being an improved despotism. High corruption but having the 4 support for towns will make it great for waging war for small civs. You also get the ability for the hanging gardens wonder with the advance of theocracy.
Forced Labour
Nuisance Corruption
Draft Rate 3
Military Police 6
Support 4,6,10
I see this as the ultimate industrial age military machine. Very high support and high military police. Corruption is a problem though. I replaced the communism advance since nationalism is a definite requirement of fascism. The fascism advance also gives you the ability to build the police station like communism used to.
I also changed some of the current governments
Republic stays the same
Because of the creation of Theocracy I bumped up the corruption of Monarchy to nuisance rather then problematic. This will make it sort of an inbetween Government I hope. Good to wage war when your empire gets a little bigger. I put it on the tech tree just after monotheism is created.
Communism I wasn't sure what to do with, it seems communual corruption is broken. Everytime the AI becomes communist it's civ goes down the crapper and I rarely chose communism since communual corruption just sucks. What I've done is give communism minimal corruption instead of communual. I hoped this would make it more viable and make it inbetween Fascism and Democracy for war/trade purpouses. Communism becomes available after the industrialization advance. I also got rid of veteran spies. For reasons below.
Democracy I got rid of the worker bonus and the immune to propaganda. You will see why below.
I wanted to create 2 modern age governments, governments that could be or could have been.
Corporate Tyranny (couldn't think of a better name)
Forced Labour
Minimal Corruption
Draft Rate 4
Military Police 6
Support 6,8,12
Veteran Spies
This government I see as being the ultimate war machine available in the modern era. It is created through massive electronic survielance of the population and is run by mega-corps. The corporate tyranny advance also gives the city improvment electronic survilance this reduces corruption (possible waste also) like a police station.
The other government I got screwed with as the editor was unable to make it. I wanted a social democracy, this would be a libral globalized market with consumers awakened to the ethical parts of buisness. Sort of the flip side of the tyranny above. Unfortunately it wouldn't let me do what I wanted to do. I wanted to make it have a +2 trade bonus and very high war weariness(among other things) the editor would not let me give the trade bonus or very high ww so my idea was screwed here. So instead I chose to experiment with something else.
Social Democracy
Pay Citizens
Worker rate of 3 (150%)
Communual Corruption
Draft Rate 1
Military Police 0
Support 0,0,0
Standard trade bonus
Immune to propaganda
Basically a socialist democracy. It just doesn't seem powerful enough in comparison to the corporate tyranny though and I can't think of a way to make it comparable while still keeping it a trade centered/anti-war government. I wanted to experiment with communual corruption in a non-war like government.
Also do you think with the short time left at the end of the game that it is worthwhile to include modern governments? Maybe making spaceship advances cost more or the parts for the spaceship cost more might make the modern age drag out longer? What do you guys think of all the governments? Balanced or no? Any way to make a trade bonus of +2 outside of the editor or very high war weariness so I can have my social democracy?
Now modding questions:
What's the best program to use to make the little icons for the government types? How the hell do you find out the X and Y coordinates to place the new government techs on the tech tree? How do you draw the lines for new techs? How do you change what the science advisor says when you move over a tech? Why did they make the editor such a limited peice of crap?
Any help or criticism would be great. I wanted to make this a discussion of game balance not politics.
So, no I don't support fascism. Yes I realize that stalin and hitler killed lots of people. Yes I realize to a libertarian a corporate tyranny could not exist since corporations are all run by saints. Ok that should hold off any political discussions I hope.
