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Adding eras...

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  • Adding eras...

    In the Civ3x editor, you can add almost everything except eras.

    Is there a way to hack around this in the text files or something?

    Also, what do you guys use to test the additions and adjustments you make in your mods?

    Thanks -

  • #2
    Can't add eras. The guys at Firaxis said that too much of the code base was tied to the current scheme.

    To test my mods I fire up a game with it (often with a map with units placed etc. to quickly determine whehter or not it worked). To determine if the AI is doing the right thing I sometimes test with debug on.
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    • #3
      move half the techs from the medieval era to the ancient and so on and then you can have more room for more tech. This isn't really adding an era but it is as close as you can come.
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      • #4
        Re: Adding eras...

        Originally posted by Sisawat

        Also, what do you guys use to test the additions and adjustments you make in your mods?
        Just play it, if it works you leave it alone. If it doesn't, then make the changes and try it again. One thing that helps, if you have PTW, is turning on the debug mode in Scenario Properties.


        • #5
          Seriously, if the next XP has the ability to add eras, and ONLY the ability to add eras, I would happily pay £20 for it
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