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MOD: City Names lists for 24 civs

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  • #16
    You forgot Chautauqua (Seneca)


    • #17
      how do you install this one?


      • #18
        Chautauqua is a region (county now), not a town. Cattaraugus is the relevant town in the list.

        Generalissimo, there is no modpack, just the list.
        A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
        Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


        • #19
          Uh, not quite. While it is true that the name is used for a county, which is named for the lake it contains (I'm talking the one in New York, not Kansas), Chautauqua is also a village (within which the Institution of the same name is located).

          I happen to live in Jamestown, which is the county's main metro area (if you can call a city of 35,000 a "metro area"), so I know of which I speak...


          • #20
            Well, that is intresting.

            Of course my list is NOT intended to include ALL Iroquois towns, there are way too many.

            But I wasn't able to find a town called Chautauqua on the map,
            and such a town isn't mentioned on any of a good many county websites. Could you tell me if it has any historical importance?
            Is it really a Seneca town or is it a white man's town named after the region?

            Edit: TerraServer gives 3 Chautauquas, none of them in NY.

            Edit2: From the official County Government site:

            The county takes its name from the largest lake, which is twenty miles long and 1,308 feet above sea level, and which was called "Jad-dah'gwah" by its native inhabitants. At one end is located Mayville, the county seat and at the other end is the city of Jamestown. This body of water is a significant factor in the history of our county.
            Are you sure that your town of Chautauqua is not merely a district of Jamestown?

            Edit3: No, wait - I think I found it.
            Last edited by Ribannah; April 30, 2003, 13:33.
            A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
            Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


            • #21
              Not sure about that last. "Chautauqua" is the Iroquois word for "bag tied in the middle" (from the shape of the lake).

              Let me see what I can dig up, and I'll post what I find.

              EDIT: Looks like you were right. While The Canandaigua Treaty of 1704 included the land that is now Chautauqua county, NY, the town itself was a white man's creation, being formed out of the town of Batavia in 1804.

              I stand corrected.
              Last edited by BGen-SirJohn; April 30, 2003, 13:30.


              • #22
                Thanks for mentioning it nonetheless. The county has a rich history.
                A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                • #23
                  That's it. Mayville (the county seat) is actually located within the Town of Chautauqua, as is the Village of Chautauqua. Jamestown is at the other end of the lake.

                  EDIT: is a satellite image of the village of Chautauqua (and Chautauqua Institution, which is actually bigger than the village itself). The image is approximately 1km across.
                  Last edited by BGen-SirJohn; April 30, 2003, 13:52.


                  • #24
                    I don't think these names are very good... I just briefly checked the Scandinavian and German cities, and there are heaps of spelling mistakes, names that are not cities, unimportant towns etc... find yourselves an atlas instead and find the relevant major cities.


                    • #25
                      Hey optigan,

                      The spelling I used wasn't some "americanized" form of spelling. I used the spelling that would be comman to that geographical location of which the city was located in. You know...the way the names appear on maps that actually come from those areas and not the USA.

                      Why do you think I used letters like å, æ, ß, œ? In case you didn't know there are other alphabets besides the English one. Another thing do you realize that certain cities actually have more than one correct spelling. For example we spell it Rome they spell it Roma.

                      Another thing, I wanted to have large lists of city names for each civilization, so yes, I did use names of villages and small, as you call them, unimportant towns, but if I limited my lists to only important towns then my lists would have been much shorter than I wanted.

                      Oh, and by the way, what relavence is there to a cities importance when all I wanted to do was get lists of city names, and who gets to be the judge of which city is important and not I bet you everyone who lives in those cities thinks their town is important.

                      I don't mind constructive criticism, but when it's untrue and based on a lack of knowledge...well, then those people should just keep their mouth shut, and just in case you think I am some sort of brainless person think about this...I have over 24 years of education under my belt and I have been all over the world and, yes, I have even been to some of those so called unimportant cities, and I have more books and maps than I know what to do with. What about you?
                      Lord of the World ... You just don't know it yet!!!


                      • #26
                        Hey bonaparte.

                        "The spelling I used wasn't some "americanized" form of spelling. I used the spelling that would be comman to that geographical location of which the city was located in. You know...the way the names appear on maps that actually come from those areas and not the USA."

                        -Well, being Norwegian and having studied among other languages German I think I'm in a fairly good position of knowing how city and place names are spelled in these languages. I'm thoroughly updated on geographical facts, taking special interest in European history and geography. Accordingly, I don't prefer to read American maps, but rather choose Norwegian or European ones as they tend to spell all names in the way correct to the specific region or country.

                        "Why do you think I used letters like å, æ, ß, œ? In case you didn't know there are other alphabets besides the English one. Another thing do you realize that certain cities actually have more than one correct spelling. For example we spell it Rome they spell it Roma."

                        -As a result of the abovementioned I'm fully aware that there are other alphabets in use than the English one. One of the problems is you've used the Scandinavian letters in the wrong places. And, as a European, I'm probably more used to and known with the variety of spellings and names for European places and regions.

                        "Another thing, I wanted to have large lists of city names for each civilization, so yes, I did use names of villages and small, as you call them, unimportant towns, but if I limited my lists to only important towns then my lists would have been much shorter than I wanted."

                        -Not at all. You could've easily used places that are more significant and still have had plenty of good names to use. A little knowledge of geography combined with the fact that any good atlas shows the relative size of the city should make this a fairly easy task. Norway does not have many large city, but there are at least 30 cities that would be considered fairly important in Norway due to their relative size. You have managed to exclude several of these, in addition including places that are definately not significant in any sense, and in some cases not even towns.

                        "Oh, and by the way, what relavence is there to a cities importance when all I wanted to do was get lists of city names, and who gets to be the judge of which city is important and not I bet you everyone who lives in those cities thinks their town is important."

                        -For the game to be an interesting one I think it's important that the cities in the game have some relevance to the cities in the real world. If you're, for instance, playing the Americans, wouldn't you rather have New York as a city in the game than Sioux Falls? But, I guess it's up to anyone who plays this game to decide on what towns they want in their game, I want at least a bit of realism.

                        "I don't mind constructive criticism, but when it's untrue and based on a lack of knowledge...well, then those people should just keep their mouth shut, and just in case you think I am some sort of brainless person think about this...I have over 24 years of education under my belt and I have been all over the world and, yes, I have even been to some of those so called unimportant cities, and I have more books and maps than I know what to do with. What about you?"

                        -I do for one thing get pissed of at people that use an arrogant tone with me, like you undoubtedly do in you reply. My criticism is definately not untrue and your claiming that it's based on a lack of knowledge is nothing short of arrogant, in addition to the fact you do not have any reason to claim so. I don't have 24 years of education but I'm apparently a better geographer than you. It does not help you to have heaps of books and maps when you manage to not learn anything from them. I've travelled a lot, too, and I've been to loads of those unsignificant places, and I'm telling you, they're unsignificant. I never said you were brainless, I just said I didn't think the names were very good. Obviously, you're not too good at handling criticism.

                        Now, I'm not able to download your file anymore, so I can't give you any concrete examples from where I am now, but if you wouldn't mind putting that file out again I'll be nothing but happy to point out the mistakes.

                        It was not my intention to be very negative or harsh in my criticism, but your arrogant reply pissed me off, so there you go...


                        • #27
                          You give me to much you you think I came up with these city names and spellings off the top of my head? I used ancient maps as sources for many of the city names. These ancient maps can be found on the internet. I also used several atlas' I have that covers ancient civilizations. Spellings have changed, but I used the ancient spellings in most cases as they are more accurate. I also used ancient text and poems as sources for city names. I didn't use Rand-McNally...sorry. Again, if you think there is only one correct spelling for each city name then think again...during my reasearch I found more than one correct spelling for many cities. Also, the city importance was of no relavance to me...only the obtaining of names of cities that were part of an empire at one time or another was. I challange you to give me a list of 150 cities that were important, in the Zulu empire...good luck, because most of what existed in that area of the world were small villages not cities...actually, don't bother because as I said and will say a third time the importance of a city wasn't my priority, only the city name was. Oh, and don't mistake knowledge for arrogance. Respond if you want, but I have wasted to much of my time already...research ancient text, maps, and poems and you will discover the same things as I have. I'd tell you my sources, but I lost all of the links and I do not want to spend hours finding them all over again just to prove to you I am correct...feel free to do this yourself...and if you find the same sources I did you'll probably want to retract your comments.
                          Lord of the World ... You just don't know it yet!!!

