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Marla World Map1.17 Start position problems... Help!

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  • Marla World Map1.17 Start position problems... Help!

    Hi! Merry Christmas to all!

    I am playing Civ3 on my notebook which unfortunately I cannot LAN to my PC and doesn't have a working floppy drive. Before the LAN refused to work, I was able to install Civ3 there and put in Marla's World Map version 1.17, so that's what I'm currently stuck with.

    I've edited Roman Civ to my preferences and edited the scenario rules to my liking (less corruption and fixed some unit stats), and saved it both under the original filename (Marla's World Map), and under a new filename. I've also set the opponent Civs down to 7 namely:

    I've been having no luck with the 'fix start position' feature, so I decided to put the right Civ on the right start position, and did so for the 7 Civs then placed my Civ on the Roman start position.

    Here's where my troubles began. Under both the original filename and under the new filename, the 'fix start position' still does not work. "Oh, well, I put them on their right start positions anyway." No such luck. I do get MY start position right, but then China is to my left, around where Spain is, Egypt is to my NE, America is where NewYork should be and the Aztecs are around Florida. It's about 2000-something BC on the game already and Japan and Zulu haven't put up a capital city yet. I check this by quitting the game and checking the sort of replay afterwards, the one before the warrior hammers the scale.

    What am I doing wrong? I've tried checking off 'preserve random seed' and 'culturally link start positions' and almost everything else I can think of (I am unchecking this in the game, the scenario has those on). I don't know what else to do.

    BTW, when I do try to fix the start positions by clicking the "Correct Start Positions", it pops up a window with "Invalid Type", then I can't load the "FIXED.SAV" file.

    Any help appreciated! Thank you for your time!

  • #2
    What civ3 version do you have?
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      1.29f, but I think I got a no-cd .exe for this somewhere for it to run on my notebook, or the game didn't need the CD to start with, I can't remember.

      But I'm sure it's 1.29f because that's what it says on the start screen.


      • #4
        Well, thern that's the "problem"

        The starting position relocator used for marlas map (my very own CivPlacementTool (CPT)) hasn't been updated to work with 1.29f as that version supports starting possition assigning in the editor, so no external tool is needed. It is not be hard to actually edit the map and set the civ for the 16 starting locations.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          That's exactly what's confusing me. Okay, so you say it is incompatible with 1.29f, but I've tried putting the correct start positions...

          Like I said earlier, my opponents are China, Japan, Egypt, America, etc., so in Marla's 1.17 map, I look for the supposed starting locations for these Civs and assign a specific start location to a specific Civ. All the Civs that are my opponents have their starting location specified. Doesn't work. I tried putting TWO start locations PER CIV, doesn't work too! I do get my starting position correct, why can't they?

          An example of this is: China always seems to start near me (Rome) when he should be all the way across Asia. The even weirder thing is that there isn't even any start location anywhere NEAR where China starts. The only Civs in Europe (for my game) is me (Rome) and Europe. Somehow, we both get our start positions right, but not China or Egypt or Zulu or almost everyone else.

          What's wrong here? Am I missing something? Thanks for clearing the matter up as far as the "correct start position" tool goes!


          • #6
            I've also just discovered that of the 8 other Civs in the game, only the Chinese actually build cities. I don't know what the others are doing, but in the case of England, they apparently just stood on their little island and did nothing, not even make a single city.

            The rest, I have not seen their territory yet tho we keep on trading world and territory maps. Their score, as of 570AD is 0, so I presume they didn't make a single city as well.

            Any help please? What am I doing wrong?

