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Things I'd Like To See Next

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  • #46
    What I want next is:
    Units which require a building (Improvement and/or wonder) in order to be built (sort of like how armies require the Military academy). So that I can have my modern units require munitions plants and tanks require armouries and naval vessels require a Port Facility.
    Government specific units.
    Obsolescence flags for general improvements (and units-if possible).
    As Willem has stated, negative production values and, while we are at it, negative science outputs. For example, I want the Inquisition Small Wonder-it doubles the happiness effects of all Churches, and reduces corruption, but gives you a -50% science output in every city.
    I wouldn't mind having the opposite of building and unit prerequisites-i.e., if you have a certain improvement, Wonder or even government type, then there should actually be units and buildings that you are NEVER able to build.
    For example-you could have a "Nuclear Disarmament" or "Strategic Arms Limitation" Small Wonder which prevents you from ever building Nuclear power plants, Tac Nukes or ICBM's. Of course, it should increase happiness in every city on the continent . If you get rid of it then-viola-you can start building them again! Not sure if it could ever be done-but it would be COOL!!!



    • #47
      1. I would like the wonder flag, "Resources Required in City Radius" moved to the general flags for improvements. I could do alot with new improvements if that were the case.
      No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


      • #48
        How about the ability to add new terrain types...say, swamp?

        I would make swamp an overlay, like forest and jungle, with a 'drain' command to remove it. It would have a small chance of appearing along any grassland, plains or tundra tile that bordered a river, with the chance rising for each river, coast, and (already generated) swamp tile bordering that tile.
        No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


        • #49
          Cool idea with the swamp Mad Monk. You've even limited it to something that could probably be done in the current Civ3 engine without rewriting huge amounts of the code.
          Seemingly Benign
          Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


          • #50
            Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker

            For example-you could have a "Nuclear Disarmament" or "Strategic Arms Limitation" Small Wonder which prevents you from ever building Nuclear power plants, Tac Nukes or ICBM's. Of course, it should increase happiness in every city on the continent . If you get rid of it then-viola-you can start building them again! Not sure if it could ever be done-but it would be COOL!!!
            Yeah that would be cool! It could be one of the functions of the UN that a nation could be forced to have inspectors in the country in order to keep tabs on their nuclear program. And it would be open season on any civ that expelled them. Of course Firaxis would have to create an Iraqi civ if they introduced that though.


            • #51
              All joking aside, Willem , the reason I suggested the "Strategic Arms Limitation" Small wonder is that, even if they don't get new diplomatic functions in the game-via the UN (Though I REALLY hope they do!!!)-it would at least allows us to "simulate" such an agreement! So long as it gave you a good culture and happiness effect, the AI might also be tempted to build it .
              Of course, to make such a Wonder truly viable, they would HAVE to bring back the flag they used to have for the Eiffel Tower in Civ2-namely a flag which states "Increases your international reputation by X% (say 25 or 50%, for instance)". That way, if your reputation with a Civ is about -10, for instance, then this Wonder could increase it to -13 or -15!!
              Anyway, what I'm also trying to say here is bring back the "Improves reputation" flag!!



              • #52
                Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker

                Of course, to make such a Wonder truly viable, they would HAVE to bring back the flag they used to have for the Eiffel Tower in Civ2-namely a flag which states "Increases your international reputation by X% (say 25 or 50%, for instance)". That way, if your reputation with a Civ is about -10, for instance, then this Wonder could increase it to -13 or -15!!
                Anyway, what I'm also trying to say here is bring back the "Improves reputation" flag!!
                Yes I miss that as well. In Civ III, once you have a bad rep, even if it's through no fault of your own, it's almost impossible to repair it. If you do, it costs tons of gold and/or resources.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by WarpStorm
                  Cool idea with the swamp Mad Monk. You've even limited it to something that could probably be done in the current Civ3 engine without rewriting huge amounts of the code.
                  Hey, thanks!

                  The one thing I wish they had included in the editor would be a way to add new terrain types. I wouldn't leave it at swamps -- I would add different types of forests, reefs, volcanic mountain ranges, etc. Each new terrain type would be an opportunity to add different resources, movement rates, and so on, so that you could actually end up with totally different worlds. If you ever tried ToT, you have an idea of what I mean.
                  No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                  • #54
                    Just say no to more terrain types.

                    I don't know if I have it in me to update my graphics. The scheme they used makes it very hard to add new base terrain types (overlay types are no problem).

                    Base terrain types require 81 different tiles for each combination of 3 terrain types that can touch. Each of these tiles must transition smoothly (preferably without repeating) into each other tile in the game. This scheme would quickly fall apart with just a handful more base types.
                    Seemingly Benign
                    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                    • #55
                      For my part, I'm not so much worried about new terrain graphics-I'd just like to be able to CREATE (rather than just edit) both new terrain and new terrain improvements!!! The improvements are especially important as I'd like to have several levels of mines and irrigation!
                      On another note, I see NO EDITOR improvements at all in the latest patch . Well, looks like that mod of mine will just have to wait-again!!! .


