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is there a "guide"?

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  • is there a "guide"?

    I am new to the whole creation thing.. everyone here seems to be an expert. I would like to know if someone here has put together a "manual" that is somewhat easier to understand than the given help menu (yeah, I know... RTFM, stupid).

    I don't have PTW, just the editor with the 1.29f patch (I think).
    "A civilization unable to tell the difference between illusion and reality is usually believed to be at the tail end of its existence" - John Ralston Saul

  • #2
    Well there are those threads at the top of the Creation page, though I suspect that they're somewhat dated. Your best bet is just to open up the editor and have a look around. If you run into something you don't understand, or if something you try that doesn't work, just ask a question here or over at CivFanatics. Someone's bound to answer you.

    For the most part the serious modders have just learned by trial and error, with a few tips from others thrown in. BTW, I'd recommend PTW if you want to do any modding, it has a few more nice features.


    • #3
      Yeah... I'm picking up PTW today... just pissed at firaxis/infogames/whatever for making us fork up more money for MP.

      Unless someone wants to just send me one...
      "A civilization unable to tell the difference between illusion and reality is usually believed to be at the tail end of its existence" - John Ralston Saul


      • #4
        Originally posted by djafrot
        Yeah... I'm picking up PTW today... just pissed at firaxis/infogames/whatever for making us fork up more money for MP.

        Unless someone wants to just send me one...
        They have a right to make a buck just like anyone else. Considering all the improvements they've made in the last several patches, I'd say the game's still fairly good value for the money.

        Especially when I consider all the time I've spent either playing it or working with my mod. Cheap entertainment, about a buck a month in my case. You can't get much better than that! And I'll probably still be playing it a couple of years from now, when I figure the next expansion pack will come out. That will bring it down to about 30 cents a month.
        Last edited by Willem; December 11, 2002, 19:32.


        • #5
          The "next expansion pack"???
          How about we just wait for Civ4?
          "When we begin to regulate, there is naming,
          but when there has been naming
          we should also know when to stop.
          Only by knowing when to stop can we avoid danger." - Lao-zi, the "Dao-de-jing"


          • #6
            Firaxis mentioned in the chat last week that there would probably be another expansion pack. There's no point in working on Civ IV if Civ III is still doing well. That just wouldn't make sense.

            It takes a lot of money to develop a game like this, and they're not going to make the investment until it's clear that they've about made as much money as they're going to out of it.


            • #7
              Good value for the money?

              If you put Civ 3 and PTW together, I paid a total of $105 Canadian, plus tax.

              Notice that I did pick it up, anyhow.
              "A civilization unable to tell the difference between illusion and reality is usually believed to be at the tail end of its existence" - John Ralston Saul


              • #8
                Originally posted by djafrot
                Good value for the money?

                If you put Civ 3 and PTW together, I paid a total of $105 Canadian, plus tax.

                Notice that I did pick it up, anyhow.
                Yeah so? That's what I paid myself and I've been busy with it for the past year now. So that works out to about $10 a month so far, with still several more years to go before Civ IV comes out. I'd say that's pretty cheap entertainment.

