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why do new strategic resources always appear in unexplored terrotory???

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  • why do new strategic resources always appear in unexplored terrotory???

    im new at civ III and im having the following prob:

    when i start a game i usually expand very quickly
    and by the time i research iron working all iron is
    outside of my terrotory even when im really big.
    this also happens with all other strategic resources
    and is getting kinda irritating cause i have to make
    cities and colonies there.
    so the question is:
    why do new strategic resources always appear in unexplored terrotory???

    is this just me, the game or a bug?
    if its the game this is flaw.

    thx for answering


  • #2
    The bad news it that it's just you.

    Seriously, that is just the luck of the draw. I have had starts on fair sized continents with no horses anywhere and have had starts where iron appeared on a tile next to my capital city when I discovered the tech.
    Never give an AI an even break.


    • #3
      Re: why do new strategic resources always appear in unexplored terrotory???

      Originally posted by da tycho

      why do new strategic resources always appear in unexplored terrotory???
      If it's unexplored, how do you know that the resources are appearing there?


      • #4
        "If it's unexplored, how do you know that the resources are appearing there?"

        I'm assuming when he researches the tech that allows the resource, there's non in his explored territory and then when he explores new territory he finds it.

        I know a lack of certain resources is supposed to be a "challenge", but when there are two continents on a huge map and only ONE has oil, thats going too far.
        I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bobbo008
          ...and then when he explores new territory he finds it.
          But then it's not unexplored anymore is it?

          Sorry, I'm just being a smart ass. That comment struck me as rather humourous in it's contradiction.


          • #6
            Smartasses are good, there are just too many dumb rabbits in the world.

            (bonus points if you tell me where that's from)
            I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


            • #7
              Originally posted by bobbo008
              Smartasses are good, there are just too many dumb rabbits in the world.

              (bonus points if you tell me where that's from)
              Bugs Bunny of course, no doubt something Elmer Fudd says.


              • #8
                It's a crapshoot, really. I've had games where a new resource pops up right underneath my cities, then I have other games where I couldn't find iron to save my life.


                • #9
                  Or they just show on excactly the same spot they just dissapeard off
                  Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                  Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bobbo008
                    Smartasses are good, there are just too many dumb rabbits in the world.

                    (bonus points if you tell me where that's from)
                    So, did I get the bonus points?


                    • #11
                      Edit the Civ3mod.bic file if playing Civ III. If playing PTW, then one can not as it is a read-only file which changed a little from Civ III.

                      I up the resources by editing the Rules for the game.

                      I got to 1800, and could not see coal anywhere on the entire freakin' map. Maybe it was there somewhere, but since in Civ III, one can edit the Rules by starting up the program Civ3Edit.exe, one can make the resources more resourceful (appear more).

                      Save the old bic file for you may get better in the game, and you can trade with other Civilizations to get things.

                      I got horses from England in one game for twenty turns to make horsemen, and later could upgrade them to Knights by having Iron (built the horsemen first for the twenty turns) and having the Tech advance.

                      Its a different beasty, the Civ III game, and one has to fanagle more with other Civilizations.

                      Pick on ones that will maybe be your friends.

                      The thrill of the headache, the agony of the feet.

                      You are the game, and as such, you wanted to be a Leader of a Civilization that Withstands the Test of Time.

                      Take aspirin!!

