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My Work In Progress

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  • My Work In Progress

    First off I would like to apologize for any frivolous threads I have started as of late, was putting my info out in a haphazard way. From now I on I will try and use this thread exclusivley if possible.

    Here are some ideas I have set down for my WWII Scenario, curious to your reactions.

    -Infrastructure – The industrial infrastructure will be very important in this game, as most of it will be irreplaceable. The main objective of this is to simulate the incredibly destructive effect of pitched warfare and strategic bombing. Conversely, defending your skies becomes of eminent importance, and a scorched earth policy also has merit. In the game the only improvements that can be built (by normal workers) are roads and railroads. Roads will be similar in value to the original game, while the cost of building railroads will be tripled. This is too keep “railroad sprawl” under control, as well as again making the defense of your rail links a priority.

    - The game will include a “Final Solution” aspect for both Germany and Russia, though more developed for Germany. A new resourse will be added, the Jew, and will be distributed to areas historically populated by Jews (none in Germany, to facilitate having to fight a war first or making a disrepritable deal with another country first). A city improvement, known as the “Concentration Camp,” can then be built that will provide a production and gold bonus as well as a happiness loss. After five are built the small wonder “Final Solution” can be built that will put a concentration camp in all friendly cities. The “Final Solution” will also unlock the “Slave Laborer” unit, which is a worker minus the population and maintinance cost. The Soviets will get the city improvement “Forced Labor Camp,” which increases production but not gold, but doesn’t require the Jew resource. After five have been build the Russians can them build the small wonder “Great Purge,” which puts a Forced Labor Camp in every friendly city and unlocks the unit “Forced Laborer,” which is a worker without the population cost.

    - Because of the number of units, and because the game can get cluttered with units that look basically the same, all added units will be provided with a flag of shield insignia to add uniqueness and flavor to the game.

    - Air will be modified also. All major players will have two fighter types and two bomber types. The second fighter will be an upgrade of the first. The bombers will be of two different classes, one of each type; strategic and tactical. The strategic bombers will have extreme range and bombardment but no lethal flag. The tactical bombers will be short range with average bombardment with the “Lethal Sea Bombardment” flag (Some units, such as the Russian Sturmovick, will have lethal land bombardment too). This will keep shore bombardments to a minimum as well as simulate the rise of maritime airpower.

    - Naval warfare will not be changes too much. The main difference will be movement. All warships will have their movement doubled, while transports will have their movement halved. This is so offensive naval operations can be carried out in a timely manor, but also to make slow moving convoys (that can be intercepted) a part of the game.

    - The Americans and British will be combined into one player (I got this idea from other scenarios). The Britsh will play on their own until they reserch a tech that will allow them to build the "Pearl Harbor" small wonder. I couldn't think of any other way to do this. The wonder will be one shield in cost (you shouldnn't have to build it), and will unlock all the American units for the British as well as provides some other bonuses to be determined. Of course the British can "decide when the Japs attack by the techs they choose to research, but oh well.

    I haven't actually tried much of this (still modifying units and map right now), so the feasability of any of it is beyond me. What do you think.
    "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.

  • #2
    What kind of production bonus do you get from Kz-camps? Soap and gold teeth? Sounds bad... Turning the jews to shields might(!) offend someone... The idea of strategig and tactical bombers sounds good, (allthough it might mean bombing a tank with B17's and finishing with P-47... Hmmm...) as well as the convoy thingy. What kind of timeframe are you considering? The war took "only" 6 years, a ridiculously short time in CIV3.

    Have you considered modifying the tanks? Or other land units? To simulate the technical superiority/industrial capacity of Germany and Soviet Union? Better Tigers, cheaper T-34's.
    I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


    • #3
      Yeah, I know using Jews as a "resource" sounds bad (read the Final Solution thread) but it was part of history and ignoring it in a realism scenario is too me worse. It tried to think of other ways to implement the concept, but I am restricted to the mechanics of the game. As it is I don't think the small wonder idea can be done anyways. The production bonus refered to is the cheap, unpaid labor, and the gold bonus refers to the siezer of Jewish property.

      Your idea about the tanks is correct. Germany will have extremely capable but expesive tanks, and the other players will have a variation of the concept.

      Thanks for your imput
      "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.

