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New UUs for each civ?

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  • New UUs for each civ?

    I'm thinking of getting started on a mod that adds an extra UU to each civilization, hopefully meaning they cover more time (although this is difficult with the likes of the Carthaginians or the Americans).

    It is possible to put more units into the game without cutting out other ones right?
    "There are two kinds of travel book: One is a guide for tourists, and the other is almost invariably written by Bill Bryson."
    - Sam Waldron

  • #2
    I thought of a few early ideas:

    Japanese Kamikaze Planes (a weaker missile-type unit that can be built with Flight)

    Improved American Marines perhaps.

    German U-boats, although I would like to put in something from an earlier time period

    England could get either an improved archer unit (the longbowman, if i replaced the old longbowman with crossbowman) or perhaps a Spitfire...

    Viking longboats.

    Some kind of Spanish Armada naval unit

    Arab terrorists (and oh dear, i apologise for this, except that i would actually personally LOVE to be able to launch attacks of unknown origin on my enemies... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.... *ahem*)

    Please, any ideas...?
    "There are two kinds of travel book: One is a guide for tourists, and the other is almost invariably written by Bill Bryson."
    - Sam Waldron


    • #3
      Ideas for additional UUs? Here are some:

      Germany: Line-Infantry (Prussian), German Knight ("Ordensritter")

      China: Junk

      Carthago: War-Elephants

      England: Highlander (well, its british...), Lobsters (means Royal Marines in napoleonic era), Longbowman as you suggested

      Some others are verry difficult to find to me. I don't know much about korean history e.g.
      Arne · Das Civilization Forum


      • #4
        I included a lot of custom units to my game (about twice the number of original units (I know I'm crazy)), a lot of which are civ-specific.

        Those are:

        - Phalanx (2/3/1, available with iron working, NOT replacing swordsman)
        - Spartan Hoplite (same as original Hoplite with +1 HP)
        - Fire Galley (better offensive value, available with invention)

        - Longbowman (4/2/1, everybody else gets the crossbowman with the original 4/1/1-stats)
        It cannot start a GA, because IMHO this definitely has to be a later period for England (Man-O-War).
        - Dreadnaught replaces my custom battlecruiser (stats somewhere between ironclad and battleship, available with refining)
        - Scots guardsman (5/5/1, available with military tradition, everyone else in my mod gets the fusilier (3/5/1))

        - Cho-ko-nu replacing the standard crossbowman, same stats, but available with mathematics instead of invention.

        - Sassanid cavalry (4/2/2, with feudalism every Civ in my mod gets medieval cavalry with 3/2/2)

        - Ballista (a better catapult)

        - Better submarine (Wolfpack)
        - Tiger Tank (+2 attack and defense, but more expensive, of course not replacing the Panzer)

        - Yamato-Class-Battleship (bigger, better, more expensive, not replacing the standard battleship)
        - Kamikaze (doesn't trigger GA. A country that sacrifices its soldiers certainly doesn't have a GA at that time, but I think this won't be a problem, because the samurai will most probably already have triggered a GA in the medieval age)
        - A better BattleMech (I implemented ten future techs and a lot of SciFi-units, didn't test it yet)

        - T34, +2 defense compared to standard tanks

        - 3/1/1-Archer

        - Foreign Legionary (6/6/1, available with industrialisation)

        - Elephant archer (3/3/2, replacing the before mentioned medieval cavalry (and getting an additional hitpoint like the war elephant does in my mod))

        - Camel Rider, again replaces medieval cavalry, movement 3

        - Super carrier, everyone else gets the nuclear carrier, both available with nuclear power.
        - Apache Heli replaces the Attack Heli, available with Laser

        Some Civs didn't get additional UUs, because I'm lacking ideas. I know that this is not at all fair, but so what! I don't play them and the AI doesn't complain.

        I don't yet have PTW (living in Germany), but (of course ) I already have some ideas:

        - of course it will be the longboat (available with engeneering, doesn't sink in sea tiles)

        - Maybe a better galley and an early war elephant

        - A better cannon

        - Maybe a better Galleon


        • #5
          The Greeks perhaps an army in which hoplites can be put and that can only be created by them: the phalanx.

          The Russians a sort of a plane that can go over land as well as water and that can move troops over a very large distance. The Soviets used it.

          And maybe chemical or biological weapons. I would dearly like to have rockets with chemical weapons. Of couse the origin of the attacks must be kept unnown, like the terrorist attacks.
          "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
          Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


          • #6
            Originally posted by Aidun
            The Greeks perhaps an army in which hoplites can be put and that can only be created by them: the phalanx.
            This could work, if you give the phalanx-army the 'only transports foot units'- and the 'only carries tactical missiles'-flags and flag the Hoplite as both.
            Not a bad idea. Has to be tested.

            Originally posted by Aidun
            The Russians a sort of a plane that can go over land as well as water and that can move troops over a very large distance. The Soviets used it.
            I think this won't work. This has been the problem with implementing the Attack Chopper. It cannot simultaneously be flagged as land and sea-unit.
            At least it doesn't work with standard civ. I don't yet know the PTW-editor.

            Originally posted by Aidun And maybe chemical or biological weapons. I would dearly like to have rockets with chemical weapons. Of couse the origin of the attacks must be kept unnown, like the terrorist attacks.
            A cruise missile with higher bombard stats and hidden nationality? That's ! But be careful with hidden nationality units. I've read several threads of people, who tried hidden nat land units and they often reported that the AI uses them in masses.


            • #7
              This subject came up a loooong time ago in the old Civ3 forum, but I'm happy to re-hash it.

              Here's my suggestions:


              Minutemen - same as muskets, but with an extra movement point and "blitz" capability

              Tomahawk - Cruise missile with extended range and perhaps greater bombard power.


              Bandit - This is a stretch; basically assuming part of the Aztec culture morphed into 19th century Mexico. Cavalry unit with hidden nationality flag.


              No idea here...


              Ninja - Similar to the Japanese Samurai. I'd suggest invisibility, but that would make them way too powerful in the appropriate stages of the game.


              No idea here, either...


              Dragoons - Amphibious cavalry

              SAS - Paratrooper with extra movement point


              Foreign Legion - Guerilla with hidden nationality tag


              U-Boat - submarine with additional offensive bonus


              Olympian - Warrior with extra movement point. (yes, this is probably my lamest suggestion)


              Thugee - Swordsman with additional defense bonus (maybe I've seen "Temple of Doom" too many times...)


              Brave - Warrior with extra offensive bonus (not much late-game UU potential with this Civ, unfortunately)


              Kamikaze - Haven't tried it, but would be cool if you could give a fighter the "cruise missile" tag, and launch it from a ship, with lethal sea bombard available.


              No idea here.


              Gladiator - Medieval infantry with hidden nationality tag, lower defense score.


              MiG Fighter - Jet fighter that doesn't require aluminum.

              KGB - Explorer with invisibility tag - not available until Computers


              Again, a civ with limited UU options.


              al Quaida - Guerilla with hidden nationality tag and cruise missile tag. Lower defense.


              No clue...


              Another primative civ with no modern UU option, in my opinion. Only thing notably Irish these days is Guiness beer, the Boston Celtics, and the University of Notre Dame.


              Tae Kwon Do Master (or something to that effect) - Perhaps a medieval infantry unit equivalent, with maybe an added movement bonus.


              Horde - Really, really cheap horsemen.


              Spanish Galleon - Frigate with transport capabilities.




              Valkyrie - Basically, a mounted Berserk - similar properties, with an added movement point.
              Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


              • #8
                Wow, lots of input. Thanks to you guys I now have HEAPS of workable ideas.
                The only problem with some of the units I would like to use (ie. Bandits, terrorists, etc) is having a UU with a hidden-nationality. I mean realistically wouldnt that defeat the point?

                sadly, there are lots of suggestions for england that I want to use, but I can't give them more than anyone else (or can I? hehe...)

                I like the idea of american minutemen and prussian line-infantry, mainly because they give these civilasations something a little earlier on in the game.

                Keep them coming

                Der PH - I like the sound of some of your changes, especially new technology, cause I've always felt the civ games needed to look forward just a little bit more...
                "There are two kinds of travel book: One is a guide for tourists, and the other is almost invariably written by Bill Bryson."
                - Sam Waldron


                • #9
                  Oh and do you think a special longbowmen unit would work for the celts, rather than the english? (thus freeing me up to unleash one of numerous other possible english UUs on the world...
                  "There are two kinds of travel book: One is a guide for tourists, and the other is almost invariably written by Bill Bryson."
                  - Sam Waldron


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Horseman 4.5
                    Oh and do you think a special longbowmen unit would work for the celts, rather than the english? (thus freeing me up to unleash one of numerous other possible english UUs on the world...
                    You are right!
                    AFAIK the English copied the Longbowman from the Welsh, who are descendant from the Celts.
                    But since the English were famous for the Longbowman I think I will leave it as an English unit, too (without the ability to trigger GA. For the Celts it will be irrelevant, if their Longbowman can trigger a GA, since theirs will already have taken place due to the Gallic Swordsmen).


                    • #11
                      Ideally, the unique units should come from different eras.

                      My suggestions:
                      India - Gurkhas, replacing Riflemen
                      Vikings - Carolean, a Swedish 18th century soldier, replacing Cavalry
                      The difference between industrial society and information society:
                      In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
                      In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Optimizer
                        Ideally, the unique units should come from different eras.
                        As it is easy to see, I didn't care for this limitation.
                        If you do, a lot of my additional UUs won't be useful, of course.


                        • #13
                          The ones from my plain Civ3 mod (not PTW yet):

                          Oh, note that some of these are stretching things a bit.

                          Rome: Peltast (2/2/2 2b/0r, zoc) at monarchy (javilineers; rome was famous for using javelins); replaces nothing

                          Egypt: Janissary (5/5/1 4b/0r, saltpeter) at gunpowder; replaces musketmen (note that I beefed up the attack and defense of musketmen by 1 each, so this only has +2 attack)

                          Greece: Hypaspist (3/2/1 +1 hp) at iron working; replaces swordsmen (note: doesn't need iron, just like the hoplite; has +1 hp just so it's useful on maps where you have iron)

                          Babylon: Horse Archer (3/2/2 3b/0r horses) at invention; doesn't replace anything (cheaper than knights and doesn't require iron, in case that's a problem, also has the 0 range bombard; not really a historical unit)

                          Germany: Pocket Battleship (20/10/4atr 10(4)b/2r oil) at Mass Production; doesn't replace anything (cheaper than normal battleships, which are 26/12/4atr 12(4)b/2r oil)

                          Russia: T34 (20/14/2 oil) at Motorized Transportation; replaces Tank (20/10/2 oil)

                          China: Chu-Ko-nu (5/3/1 4b/0r) at Invention; replaces Crossbowmen (which are a replacement for the new English UU, Longbowmen; crossbowmen are 4/2/1 4b/0r)

                          America: Got fancy here. National Guard (6/10/1 6b/0r cost 1 pop) at Replaceable Parts; doesn't replace anything. Normal Infantry are 9/15/1 rubber; these guys are cheaper and have all the jobs that workers can do (and the worker AI to go along with it).

                          Japan: Yamato Class Dreadnought (30/15/4atr 15(6)b/3r oil) at Motorized Transportation; doesn't replace anything (more expensive but better than battleships)

                          France: Leclerc (30/15/4bl oil rubber aluminum) at Synthetic Fibers; replaces Monder Armor (which is 30/15/3bl oil rubber aluminum)

                          India: Elephant Archer (3/3/2 3b/0r +1 HP) at Monarchy; doesn't replace anything

                          Persia: Cataphract (5/4/2 horses iron) at Chivalry; replaces Knights (more expensive; also not really a historical unit; these will probably get moved to the Ottomans in PTW since they have Byzantium(Istanbul))

                          Aztecs: Plumed Archer (2/1/2 2b/0r) at Warrior Code; replaces Archers (Aztecs are now *the* premier ancient era civ for combat, but they waste their GA fast and they don't have anything special past the ancient era; note that plumed archers are actually Mayan, not Aztec)

                          Zulus: Sarwe (3/1/1) at Warrior Code; replaces Archers

                          Iroquois: Eagle Warrior (2/1/1) no tech; replaces Warriors (a little bit of a stretch and a native american would probably skin me for the stereotyping, but I needed something)

                          English: Longbowmen (5/2/1 5b/1r) at Invention; replaces Crossbowmen (note that these guys can bombard at 1 square instead of just a defensive bombardment like crossbowmen/chu-ko-nu)

                          Thoughts for PTW UU's:

                          Vikings: Longboat (same stats as galley but doesn't sink in sea, possibly ocean if it's moved back in techs)

                          Koreans: Turtle ship (some kind of heavier-armored transport ship)

                          Spanish: Tercio (dunno what to do with them, but seems like everyone thought this should have been the UU in PTW for them)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Zurai
                            France: Leclerc (30/15/4bl oil rubber aluminum) at Synthetic Fibers; replaces Monder Armor (which is 30/15/3bl oil rubber aluminum)
                            How does it work having a 4 move modern armor? Isn't that just too powerful?


                            • #15
                              How does it work having a 4 move modern armor? Isn't that just too powerful?
                              Not in my mod. MechInf and Armored Shock Infantry (futuristic, powered-armor infantry) both have mid-20's defense in my mod, so they pretty handily defeat MA/Leclercs when defending anything worth defending.

                              I just posted those as ideas - my mod's pretty radical and I don't expect anyone to actually use my values for the units. They're just a reference. I increased the A/D of all gunpowder+ units, and gave extra HP to modern armor units; I added several futuristic units (spider crawler, hovertank, powered armor infantry, starfighter, orbital dropship); I added functional, *useful* airlift units (helicopter and dropship); I added functional attack helicoptors (non-immobile air units; they can fly over land and sea, however the AI doesn't use them, not that I let it get that far anyway); I added an extra civ-specific unit for every civ; I added "flavor" alternate units for some civs (junks instead of caravels for asian civs, camel riders instead of knights for middle eastern civs, etc). I doubled the number of units in the game, basically.


                              Anyway, those were just ideas for UU's. Take em or leave em, doesn't bother me either way. Incidentally, there are graphics and animations made for all of those units if you do a tiny bit of searching.

