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civ3x.bix history

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  • civ3x.bix history

    				Civ3		PTW		PTW		PTW		PTW
    				civ3mod.bic	civ3x.bix	civ3x.bix	civ3x.bix	civ3x.bix
    				1.29		1.01		1.04		1.14		1.21
    Civs		Option		1.29		1.01		1.04		1.14		1.21
    Barbarians	Tribe Name	Celt		Iberian
    Barbarians	Tribe Name	Mongol		Libyan
    ALL old Civs	King Unit	-		NEW Kings
    Mongols		PTW				NEW
    Spain		PTW				NEW
    		Built Never			Wealth				-
    		Built Often			-				Wealth
    		City Names			Asturias					-
    Scandinavia	PTW				NEW
    Ottomans	PTW				NEW
    Celts		PTW				NEW
    Arabia		PTW				NEW
    Carthage	PTW				NEW
    		King Unit			Brennus		Hannibal
    Korea		PTW				NEW
    Civ-Advances	Option		1.29		1.01		1.04		1.14		1.21
    Mathematics	X		275		327
    		Y		184		193
    Physics		X		701		703
    		Y		465		458
    Magnetism	X		780		781
    		Y		542		527
    Flight		Y		201		179
    Gen. Sets.	Option		1.29		1.01		1.04		1.14		1.21
    Flag Unit			-		Princess
    Impr./Wond.	Option		1.29		1.01		1.04		1.14		1.21
    Wall Street	Required	Bank		Stock Exchange
    Internet	PTW				NEW
    Civil Def.	PTW				NEW
    Stock Exch.	PTW				NEW
    Commerc. Dock	PTW				NEW
    Units		Option		1.29		1.01		1.04		1.14		1.21
    Scout		Upgrade		Explorer	Conquistador
    Archer		Upgrade		Longbowman					Berserk
    Spearman	Available To			not Carthago
    		Upgrade		-		Num. Mercenary
    Swordsman	Action:Upg.Unit	-		X
    		Upgrade		Legionary	Gall. Swordsm.
    		Available To			not Celts
    Pikeman		Available To			not Carthago
    Longbowman	Action:Upg.Unit	-		X
    		Upgrade		-		Guerilla
    		Available To			not Scand.
    Knight		Upgrade		Rider		Keshik
    		Available To			not Mongols
    		Available To			not Arabia
    Cavalry		Action:Upg.Unit	-		X
    		Upgrade		Cossak		Siphai
    		Available To			not Ottomans
    Catapult	Upgrade		Cannon						Hwach'a		Cannon
    Cannon		Available To			not Korea					Korea
    		Upgrade		Artillery							Hwach'a
    Cruise Missile	Order:Explore	X				-
    Tactical Nuke	Order:Explore	X								-
    Frigate		Available To	England				not England
    Fighter		Action:Bomb.Ef.	X		-
    Bomber		Action:Bomb.Ef.	X		-
    Jet Fighter	Action:Upg.Unit	-		X
    		Action:Bomb.Ef.	X		-
    Stealth Fighter	Action:Bomb.Ef.	X		-
    		Operat. Range	6		8
    Stealth Bomber	Action:Bomb.Ef.	X		-
    		Operat. Range	8		12
    Army		Order:Capture	-		X
    		Order:Pillage	-				X
    Jaguar Warrior	Available To			not PTW Civs
    Bowman		Available To			not PTW Civs
    		AI:Defense	X		-
    Hoplite		Available To			not PTW Civs
    Impi		Available To			not PTW Civs
    Legionary	Available To			not PTW Civs
    		Action:Upg.Unit	-		X
    Immortals	Available To			not PTW Civs
    		Action:Upg.Unit	-		X
    		Upgrade		-		Medieval Inf.
    War Chariot	Available To			not PTW Civs
    Rider		Available To			not PTW Civs
    Mounted Warrior	Available To			not PTW Civs
    Musketeer	Available To			not PTW Civs
    Samurai		Available To			not PTW Civs
    War Elepjant	Available To			not PTW Civs
    Cossak		Available To			not PTW Civs
    Panzer		Available To			not PTW Civs
    Man-O-War	Available To			not PTW Civs
    F-15		Available To			not PTW Civs
    		Action:Bomb.Ef.	X		-
    Keshik		PTW				NEW
    		AI:Explore			X				-
    Conquistador	PTW				NEW
    		AI:Explore			-				X
    Berserk		PTW				NEW
    		Upgrade				Guerilla			Longbowman
    Siphai		PTW				NEW
    Gallic Swords.	PTW				NEW
    Ansar Warrior	PTW				NEW
    Numidian Merc.	PTW				NEW
    Hwach'a		PTW				NEW
    		Upgrade				Artillery			Cannon		Artillery
    		Action:Airlift			X				-
    Medieval Inf.	PTW				NEW
    Guerilla	PTW				NEW
    Princess	PTW				NEW
    Lincoln		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Hammurabi	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Mao		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Bismarck	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Alexander	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Caesar		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Xerxes		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Hiawatha	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Shaka		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Montezuma	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Cleopatra	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Elizabeth	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Catherine	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Abu		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Hannibal	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Osman		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Temujin		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Gandhi		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Ragnar		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Brennus		PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Tokugawa	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Joan d'Arc	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Wang Kon	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Isabella	PTW				NEW
    		Action:Load							X
    Worker Jobs	Option		1.29		1.01		1.04		1.14		1.21
    Airfield	PTW				NEW
    Radar Tower	PTW				NEW
    Outpost		PTW				NEW
    Last edited by ColdFever; March 2, 2003, 02:30.
    Kai · Team

  • #2
    Thank you ColdFever; I appreciate and applaud the time and effort that it took to do all that.


    • #3
      First post now also shows all civ3x.bix updates of patch 1.21f
      Kai · Team


      • #4
        You forgot one thing:

        City of Asturias is removed from Spanish city list.


        • #5
          My error.
          I just read that its already in the list.


          • #6

            Since 1.27f PtW patch is out.

