Everywhere I've looked, the only shield listing on the cost of the palace was "varies".
What exactly does it depend on? I was renovating my core to shift into a wider stance to support my now less-round-more-wide empire, had determined where I wanted my new capital, and was slightly taken aback at the cost of 900 shields. I decide to do a test, save the game, plant another city pretty far off, and check the price again. With that ONE city, the price jumped to 1000 shields (I believe it may have been my 21st, but I'm not sure).
What exactly is the equation for the cost of the palace?
What exactly does it depend on? I was renovating my core to shift into a wider stance to support my now less-round-more-wide empire, had determined where I wanted my new capital, and was slightly taken aback at the cost of 900 shields. I decide to do a test, save the game, plant another city pretty far off, and check the price again. With that ONE city, the price jumped to 1000 shields (I believe it may have been my 21st, but I'm not sure).
What exactly is the equation for the cost of the palace?