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Corruption reducer

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  • Corruption reducer

    I'm modding some city improvements to help with the corruption problem.[list=1][*]Dungeon - need Courthouse[*]Prison - need Police Station[*]Federal Prison[/list=1]
    Haven't quite worked out the degree of effect each of these would have on the corruption level.

    My problem with the Federal Prison is I that want to restrict the number of FP's one can have.

    Perhaps I should mod it as a Small Wonder with a limit. How to do that is the question.

    'Meddle not in the affairs of dragons
    For thou art crunchy
    And go well with ketchup.'

  • #2
    Make more than one of them, except label them as "Federal Prison I", "Federal Prison II", etc.

    Since I don't have any fancy graphics program and I'm a dunce when it comes to programming, I simply created the "Provincial Government Charter" edict. There's no graphics for it since rather than being a building, it's an "edict". It's more like an invisible city improvement. It reduces overall corruption, but like most, if not all, government edicts, it has a downside - it is expensive to maintain since provincial governments still need quite a lot of cash from the central government to maintain themselves.
    "When we begin to regulate, there is naming,
    but when there has been naming
    we should also know when to stop.
    Only by knowing when to stop can we avoid danger." - Lao-zi, the "Dao-de-jing"


    • #3
      Hey, great to see more people doing anti-corruption mods .

      Here's some ideas for you, if you don't mind the suggestions!

      Small Wonders

      First-Federal Police, requires palace, 5x courthouse?? (possibly 5x police station) potentially acts as a police station in every city (though I was thinking of another improvement, which acts as a level above the police station-like a Federal Investigation office!)
      Supreme Court-requires 5x courthouse, palace. Acts as a Judiciary in every city.
      Parliament-requires palace, min. city size (not sure if that can be done with the current editor?) Acts as a Parliamentary Member(Congressman, if you'd prefer) in every city.
      Senate-requires palace. Counts as a senator in every city.
      The list pretty much goes like this. The idea I had was that, not only have you got small wonders which reduce the effects of corruption Civ-Wide but, because they require a palace to build, if you lose your capital, then you're REALLY going to feel it. Anyway, as soon as my computer is repaired, and I have PtW, I'm going to put all these in a MOD!!! (My MEGA-MOD )



      • #4
        Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker
        Hey, great to see more people doing anti-corruption mods .

        Here's some ideas for you, if you don't mind the suggestions!

        Small Wonders

        First-Federal Police, requires palace, 5x courthouse?? (possibly 5x police station) potentially acts as a police station in every city (though I was thinking of another improvement, which acts as a level above the police station-like a Federal Investigation office!)
        Supreme Court-requires 5x courthouse, palace. Acts as a Judiciary in every city.
        Parliament-requires palace, min. city size (not sure if that can be done with the current editor?) Acts as a Parliamentary Member(Congressman, if you'd prefer) in every city.
        Senate-requires palace. Counts as a senator in every city.
        The list pretty much goes like this. The idea I had was that, not only have you got small wonders which reduce the effects of corruption Civ-Wide but, because they require a palace to build, if you lose your capital, then you're REALLY going to feel it. Anyway, as soon as my computer is repaired, and I have PtW, I'm going to put all these in a MOD!!! (My MEGA-MOD )

        Maybe I don't quite get what you after here, but if you mean a Forbidden Palace type structure that requires the Palace, it can't be done. For some reason you can't build two of those types of buildings in the same city, the second one won't even come up in the build list.


        • #5
          careful not to mod away to much corruption... it adds the realism (not included in any other civ game) that you can't take over another city and just start pumping infantry out of it.

          either way, i think corruption should have something to do with happiness.

          i made a corruption mod making barracks help... but then sun tzu is to good, so i made and another building called "Government outpost". it requires the wheel, and the horses recource. costs 40/60, cant decide i made it reduce corruption, and i made courthouses cost 100 shields instead. it would be nice if there was a checkbox "requires road to capitol"
          now i WOULD make it cheaper to expantionist, but...


          • #6
            Hi Willem,

            No, I'm not advocating an FP type improvement in your capitol-unfortunately I know that won't work !!! It would certainly make my job a LOT EASIER if it could. Oh well!
            What I'm advocating is a Small Wonder, situated in the capital, which acts as a corruption reducing improvement in every city (like the police station or courthouse). By doing this, as well as giving them the ability to reduce war weariness and happiness, I hope that we can make the capitol of a civilization the true administrative heart that it should be!! i.e.-make it more disasterous to lose your capital!!
            Anyway, just a thought.



            • #7
              Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker
              Hi Willem,

              No, I'm not advocating an FP type improvement in your capitol-unfortunately I know that won't work !!! It would certainly make my job a LOT EASIER if it could. Oh well!
              What I'm advocating is a Small Wonder, situated in the capital, which acts as a corruption reducing improvement in every city (like the police station or courthouse). By doing this, as well as giving them the ability to reduce war weariness and happiness, I hope that we can make the capitol of a civilization the true administrative heart that it should be!! i.e.-make it more disasterous to lose your capital!!
              Anyway, just a thought.

              I just picked up PTW today and I discovered that you can't have a Small Wonder that creates an improvement in all your cities. Only a Wonder can do that.


              • #8
                That's VERY UNUSUAL Willem ,

                In the PtW chat, the Firaxis team SPECIFICALLY said that all the flags for wonders (both Small and Great) were going to be pooled-in fact, I was COUNTING on it!!!!!
                If you're right, then there goes my mod idea RIGHT OT THE WINDOW .
                Can you please confrim this 100% and get back to me please? If you're right, then I shall demand an explanation from Firaxis about why they got my expectations up ?!



                • #9
                  Here is the relevent part of the CivFanatics Chat....

                  Wise there are a lot of new things in the editor: time line control, x/y map wrapping, operation range increase, debug mode, combining of wonder/small wonder abilities[/B] , impassable terrain, support exemption for units, increased map size.



                  • #10
                    I can confirm this as I have the editor open at the moment. The check boxes in the editor are combined Great/Small wonders, but there are 4 drop down boxes which apply only to Great Wonders. These 4 boxes are ...

                    'Rendered Obsolete By'
                    'Doubles Happiness Of'
                    'Gain in Every City'
                    'Gain in Every City on Continent'

                    I will try and attach a screen shot in a bit. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

                    ---- "What gunpowder did for war, Blake has done for the AI" - Diadem ----


                    • #11
                      Hmm, Didn't see an easy way to add a picture to an edited post so here's a screenshot.


                      Attached Files
                      ---- "What gunpowder did for war, Blake has done for the AI" - Diadem ----


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker
                        That's VERY UNUSUAL Willem ,

                        In the PtW chat, the Firaxis team SPECIFICALLY said that all the flags for wonders (both Small and Great) were going to be pooled-in fact, I was COUNTING on it!!!!!
                        If you're right, then there goes my mod idea RIGHT OT THE WINDOW .
                        Can you please confrim this 100% and get back to me please? If you're right, then I shall demand an explanation from Firaxis about why they got my expectations up ?!

                        I can confirm. All the wonder flags are now shared, except for the four selectors at the top, the "Renders Obsolete By:" etc. Those can still only be used by Wonders. I don't really know why they have to seperate anything at all, they should leave it to our discrection. I'd love to be able to use the "Required Goods Must Be Within City Radius" for ordinary improvements, but I'm stuck with just a one of a kind thing.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker
                          Here is the relevent part of the CivFanatics Chat....

                          Wise there are a lot of new things in the editor: time line control, x/y map wrapping, operation range increase, debug mode, combining of wonder/small wonder abilities[/B] , impassable terrain, support exemption for units, increased map size.

                          I've been looking for the time-line control but haven't found it yet. Do you know where they've hidden it?

                          PS Never mind, I found it.
                          Last edited by Willem; November 28, 2002, 12:07.


                          • #14
                            I've tried an alternative approach. I added improvement level reduces corruption to:
                            Collossus, Copernicus',Newton's etc.

                            Then you could change to communism without having key wonder/SS-component or science producing cities too corrupt. This obviously reduces corruption in outlying cities.
                            Obviously ithas less effect than suggested changes here but its often going to help the AI as much as a human player. The AI can't cope with one FP and likes communism too much.


                            • #15
                              Hi Guys,

                              Thanks for the info, though I'm sorry to hear it . I am curious about one thing, though. Whats the deal with the Internet? Last time I heard, that was a small wonder that acts as a research lab in every city . So, how did they get around that with the current editor?
                              I think that, as a group, we need to direct a strongly worded complaint to Firaxis, as it is clear that they have MISREPRESENTED themselves in this regard. I should point out that I have long defended Firaxis against the flamers, but on this issue I feal truly gyped . Needless to say, I WILL NOT be buying PtW until all flags for Wonders/Small Wonders are pooled as they promised!!! I also needed the ability to obsolete small wonders, so the inability to that also makes any type of Mod I had planned UTTERLY HOPELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Come on Firaxis, have you guys COMPLETELY dropped the ball-what's the deal here? Can you at least put our minds at rest, and tell us that you're on the case, and will make the neccessary changes in an upcoming patch?
                              Please answer this (hopefully) budding Modder, whose career looks like it might well be cut short!


