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OMG You stupid Aztecs!!!!!!!

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  • OMG You stupid Aztecs!!!!!!!

    I was happily conquering the Aztecs - being the pathetic little civ they are - but they keep rebelling against me! I have a lux rate of 30%, 5 units stationed there and so many entertainers that the city is dying off. What the hell is up with that? Ive always hated the civil disorder thing and wish theyd tone it donw, how can a few thousand unarmed aztecs over throw 6 divisions of Germans!!!!!!
    Trying to build a Space Civ mod....

  • #2
    Are you still at war with the remaining Aztecs? Signing a peace treaty with their motherland will calm them down.
    "Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home." - Glen Bateman, The Stand (Stephen King)


    • #3
      Yes, i try to make peace after each campaign but really i dont want to be at peace with them. I want to conquer them, i need to raise my ranking and since all the world has been colonised i picked a weak little civ with a decent ranking off on a little island to conquer. I built a fleet of caravels, put a vast army on them and sailed off to the aztecs continent. I took 4 cities and stationed between 2 and 6 units in each, they are however offensive units. Would pikemen and musketmen be more effective at stoping disorder? Also im a republic (since my many campaigns and vast army have held back my tech) so do troops actually have an effect once the resistance is crushed?

      Heres the file if anyone wants to check it out.....well i think its this one, ive had to reload from earlier saves few times trying to figure it out.
      Attached Files
      Trying to build a Space Civ mod....


      • #4
        It does not matter if you station offensive or defensive units, they count the same (only artillery units do not count at all)... if you are under despotism or monarchy, that is. Your problem is being a republic - under republic, your units do not act as military police (they do not make citizens content, they just help to quell "resisting" citizens). Republic is not very suited to prolonged warfare, unless you have lots of luxuries and your happiness infrastructure well developed.

        What most veteran plays would probably recommend: build a harbor in one of your new cities, so that they become connected to your trade network (and enjoy benefits of your luxuries). Rush some happiness improvements, if possible. Starve the new cities as much as possible. When those pesky Aztecs die off, newly born citizens will carry your own nationality and will not be (that) unhappy due to your prolonged war with Aztecs (which is the case for Aztec citizens in your newly conquered cities - they are mad over the fact that you still fight their brethren... just double click any Aztec citizen and you will find out why he is so angry...).


        • #5
          The above post is good advice. The first thing I do is starve them until all the resistors stop resisting, then keep enough entertainers to ensure no unhappy citizens.

          Second thing is to rush a harbor (or airport after flight) to get the benefit of your civs luxuries. This means any luxuries in your captured cities will also benefit the rest of your civ.

          Other factors are government and culture. If the Aztecs have a better government than yours that makes them more likely to revolt. I play the Japanese mostly and tend to have the strongest culture in my games (all those early temples and cheap cathedrals). This seems to reduce rebellions in captured cities.

          Final suggestion - crush them as quickly as possible. Once you have totally defeated them the Aztec citizens in your cities will stop being unhappy about you being at war with the Aztec empire.

          Good luck.
          Never give an AI an even break.


          • #6
            having checked out your save, seems to be the problem is that culturally you're pretty far down the line.

            Kudos to you for sticking it out though... looks like everyone is pissed at the moment. You picking a lot of fights?
            "A civilization unable to tell the difference between illusion and reality is usually believed to be at the tail end of its existence" - John Ralston Saul


            • #7
              do you luxuries ever run out, if your entire kingdom is using them up. Also how do you know when your strategic resources are going to run out if at all ?


              • #8
                Luxuries do not run out as far as I know. Resources do but that is random I think. You do not know when they go nor where they will turn up again.
                Franses (like Ramses).


                • #9
                  every turn there is a certain chance (like 1/100) that a resource will be depleted. You can edit this in the (drumroll) editor. You only need one resource/luxury good for your entire civilization (that is connected). For an example, you have one gem square in your territory, any city connected to that by a road gets its benefits. The number of citizens who get the benefit of a resource factors into trading, too, as a higher population civ will get more benefit from a single resource.

                  -Bobbo, Directer
                  Department of Redundancy Department
                  I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


                  • #10
                    If all else fails try the scorched earth method. Raze every city you conquer and immediately deploy settlers. When the war is over you can join all the captured workers in your cities without any trouble. If any Aztec cities remain on the map make sure you spread the workers out so they aren't concentrated in any one city. If you join them all to one city that city may flip on you even if you built it from scratch.

