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how to make FP work like this?

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  • how to make FP work like this?

    i want to make the forbidden palace like an improvement that can only be built be built for every 8 cities you control. it would no longer be a small wonder then. it would just be an improvement that can only be built according to # of cities like how armies are. can someone help me mod like this?

  • #2
    I don't think you can.

    I believe the closest you could get in simulating that is by tying it to a resource. That way it's limited, but not to just one.


    • #3
      If you set it up so that it's not a small wonder then the Reduce Corruption effect isn't as good. The FP uses the small wonder 'Reduce Corruption' which (I think) works by increasing the optimal number of cities by 100%.
      If you use the regular improvement Reduce Corruption (like the Courthouse or Police Station uses) the corruption isn't reduced as much and will only effect the city it is built in.
      You could add another small wonder (like a Supreme Court or something) that requires x number of Courthouses and uses the small wonders Reduce Corruption.


      • #4
        Man, if only the FP did work this way, then I'd have the ideal flag for all my corruption-reducing small wonders .
        From what I understand, the optimal city function of FP is only when you are in a Communist Government. At all other times, it simply acts as a capital for the purposes of calculating distance corruption!!
        To be fair, though, my information is now slightly out of date, as I haven't had a computer, or the newest version of the editor, for over 2 months now .
        Please someone tell me conclusively that I am wrong, and that Clay is right-that would give me great hope for my future MEGA-MOD



        • #5
          just make like 10 FP wonders
          "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
          - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


          • #6
            Here is a Link to something Alexman posted a while back about corruption. And here is the other. You learn something new everyday. I thought I saw in a chat w/Firaxis where that was the case for all gotv'ts not just Communism. Hmm. Oh well I'll take Alexmans word for it.
            Last edited by Clay; November 26, 2002, 13:08.


            • #7
              Originally posted by UberKruX
              just make like 10 FP wonders
              exactly, just add in several new small wonders, all of which have the 'reduce corruption' flag. That way you can build more than one forbidden palace.
              If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


              • #8
                but i want it to be tied into being built for # of cities


                • #9
                  The problem I have, and one which I don't think has been solved, is that I want the ability to reduce corruption through small wonders that MUST be built in the Capital city. The only way I can think of to currently get around this is to make each one count as a different Corruption-reducing improvement in every city, but that feels a little unwieldy to me .
                  Ideally, I'd like to have a flag simply saying "Increase OCN"!!
                  Anyway, if someone has the PtW editor, and can tell me if a way now exists to reduce corruption Civ-Wide, that does not rely on the Forbidden Palace ability, then I'd love to hear about it .



                  • #10
                    Re: how to make FP work like this?

                    Originally posted by Minmaster
                    i want to make the forbidden palace like an improvement that can only be built be built for every 8 cities you control. it would no longer be a small wonder then. it would just be an improvement that can only be built according to # of cities like how armies are. can someone help me mod like this?
                    The only way to do it would be to create several different wonders and make it so that you have to build a set number of a particular building before you can construct it. You can only have one wonder of any kind. For example, you could have a Supreme Court after you build say 10 courthouses, or a Federal Police after 10 police stations are built.

                    What I've done is add another layer in these areas, tied to flags used by the power plants. So a courthouse can be built anywhere, but a district court can only be built in cities that are near water. Once I have 5 of those built, I can create my Supreme Court wonder.

                    Another thing you can try is to make a gov specific wonder that does the job, like a Senate for Republic, or a Parliament for Democracy. So as soon as you switch govs, that buillding no longer works, and you're forced to deal with corruption when there once was none.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Minmaster
                      but i want it to be tied into being built for # of cities
                      If you tie it to number of improvements, it works exactly the same way, since you can only have one of each building per city. So setting it at 10 courthouses means essentially 10 cities. You just have to build the structure first. That makes it more a challenge IMO.


                      • #12
                        thanks, good idea about tieing it into # of improvements!


                        • #13
                          ofcourse the first extra FP would be tied to 10, and the next to 20, then 30 etc. etc.


                          • #14
                            You can do that in CTP2 pretty easily.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dale
                              You can do that in CTP2 pretty easily.
                              You can do it in Civ III pretty easily too.

