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Ozymandias' 1050 CE Scenario

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  • Ozymandias' 1050 CE Scenario

    -- Why 1050 CE? Actualy, the starting date is an admixture of 1050-1100 CE, post-Norman Conquest AND pre-Manzikert.

    The "purpose" is to (1) avoid the bizarre notion of Fedualism as an advance (2) allow almost every "familiar" historical player on the scene at least a walk-on part and (3) focus on smoother transitions along the essentially 3 Age tech tree (Dark Ages -- see note below, Age of Discovery, Industrial Age, Modern Times) and (4) how many times do you really want to disover Pottery, anyway? -- and, really (5) an exercise in how I believe the Civ engine can best be used as an enjoyable game to "best" simulate history, without artificially forcing any outcomes!

    Map will be TETurkhan's, somewhat modified.

    Although there is a "Dark Ages" (during which, e.g., New World Civs, who didn't really come on the scene until not long before the Euros "discovered them", have a slow build up and cannot, on their own, hope to match Old World Civs) the three "player ages" will be "Age of Discovery" (through ca. 1750) "Industrial Age" (~1850 - 1950) and the Modern Age (~1950 - 2050). Each will have about the same number of turns (ca. 200, assuming the modified turn length/duration features work as advertised).

    There are "Player" and "non-Player" Civs.

    Player Civs will be --

    England (good ol' 1066)
    Scandinavia / Sweden (without berserkers, as the Vikings had chilled out by then)
    Russia (Varangian-Slavic, with their capitol at Novgorod)
    Byzantines (capitol at Constantinople)
    Turks (capitol at Baghdad)
    Magyars (Hungarians)

    ... and ...

    "The Holy Roman Empire". Although the name is tongue-in-cheek (the real HRE having been, as the old joke goes, neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire).

    This "new" HRE will be a combined Hispano-Italian state with its capitol at Rome, for the following reasons --

    1. Map space limitations.

    2. The fervency of Spanish Catholicism will let them draw upon the the new "Vatican" Wonder.

    3. The two were tightly allied and/or leaning towards the same side of various disputes from the Middle Ages to the present, including: Crusades, Philip's Empire, Counter-Reformation and religious wars, anti-Napoleon, the WW2 era, Nato and the EU.

    Non-Player Civs will be--

    1. All New World Civs (Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, Anasazi, Cahokian)
    2. Venice
    3. Ghana/Mali
    4. Mongol
    5. Berber / Nilo-Saharan
    6. British Island Celts (Scots and Irish)
    7. "Indonesian" (Austronesian)

    So, 17 player Civs, 11 non-player, 28 in all.

    Most player Civs will have ~3 - 5 starting cities, many walled to represent, e.g., the omnipresence and supremacy of castles etc. in the pre-gunpowder era.

    I want to push the envelope and try out some radically new approaches --

    For instance, everyone's favorite barbarian horde, the Mongols will --

    1. Have a starting city (Karakorum)
    2. Only be able to build their UU hordes (sorry, "horde" is just Mongol for "regiment" and I prefer the name) for a VERY long time.
    3. NOT be able to build settlers and workers (although these can certainly be captured)
    4. Karakorum will have a relatively rapid rate of growth
    5. Each horde will require 1 pop point to build.

    SO, the Mongols won't be a Civ in the usual sense -- after all, they were rather more interesting in razing cities (such a waste of good pasture!) for a very long time, they won't be easily eliminated, and should be a pain the the fill-in-the-blank for a very long time.

    I'm also toying with the 1 pop cost for various feudal units, thereby, in part, simulating feudalism's extremely non-urban aspects.

    I also want to starting Gov types to be "Christian Monarchy" and "Islamic Caliphate", mutually reviled.

    -- MANY more thoughts to follow if anyone's interested -- and feedback is most definitely desired!


    ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...