Hi. I hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
I spent the better part of last evening trying to load fan-created .bic scenarios (okay, scenarii). I put them in the Scenarios folder, get one from the Load Scenario menu. It seems to load fine at first, but when I get the first menu (the one where you choose the tribe and difficulty level), I only get the last leader as a choice. I select it and start the scenario, but when it gets to Configuring Scenario, it just gets stuck around 68%.
Waiting 15 min for it to finish loading hasn't worked.
Re-installing the 1.29 patch hasn't helped.
Re-installing Play the World is no good.
Building a chapel to Sid Meyer and sacrifying a goat has gone no good (goat meat anyone?).
No other files came with the .bic, so I can't see what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks for any input.
I spent the better part of last evening trying to load fan-created .bic scenarios (okay, scenarii). I put them in the Scenarios folder, get one from the Load Scenario menu. It seems to load fine at first, but when I get the first menu (the one where you choose the tribe and difficulty level), I only get the last leader as a choice. I select it and start the scenario, but when it gets to Configuring Scenario, it just gets stuck around 68%.
Waiting 15 min for it to finish loading hasn't worked.
Re-installing the 1.29 patch hasn't helped.
Re-installing Play the World is no good.
Building a chapel to Sid Meyer and sacrifying a goat has gone no good (goat meat anyone?).
No other files came with the .bic, so I can't see what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks for any input.