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How to find out who launched ICBMs

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  • How to find out who launched ICBMs

    I'm at war at pretty much every civ in the world and I had to use first strike due to my lack of defense/ground units. I hit England with every thing I had and I was hit with 4 ICBMs. Now, how do I find out if it was England who launched those nukes or another country?

    I'm new to Civ 3/ptw so excuse the question if it has been asked before.

  • #2
    well as sad as it seems the only way i can think of is to spy on the other Civi cities to see who is building them use the emabssy or spy .
    thats the only way I can see , but 1st look at who tha most pissed at u .. good luck
    Leave the die'n part to the other unlucky bastard ! ! ! !


    • #3
      If you're The First to use nukes in the game, everybody is pissed at you.
      I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


      • #4
        Unfortunately I had to find out the hard the color of the nukes that hit me in the next turn. I didn't notice that parts of the ICBMs had the color of the civilization that made it. Those things drop pretty quick or maybe I was covering my eyes.

        I think some sort of notice would be appropriate to point out which civilization was the culprit. Some thing like "The Americans have attacked Beijing with an ICBM" or "American ICBM hits Beijing."


        • #5
          I think some sort of notice would be appropriate to point out which civilization was the culprit. Some thing like "The Americans have attacked Beijing with an ICBM" or "American ICBM hits Beijing."
          Can be frustrating. When you hit the AI they all declare war on you and know you did it.
          For your photo needs:

          Sell your photos


          • #6

            Want to find out who did it?

            1) Make a list of all Civs

            2) Remove any nation who certantly does not have access to Uranium. Look on the map, who's got extras, and who is trading with who. Remove any Civ which you are CERTAIN does not have access to Uranium.

            3)Attempt to get up deplomacy screen, and find out what Techs they have. Remove any Civ who does not have the technology to build Nukes.

            4)Use spys to investigate the remaining civs. See if they have any Nukes left in their arsenal.

            Now, at worst, your list will have about 3-4 Civs left on it.

            So you will have to make an educated guess on who did it?
            How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?


            • #7
              think some sort of notice would be appropriate to point out which civilization was the culprit. Some thing like "The Americans have attacked Beijing with an ICBM" or "American ICBM hits Beijing."

              Yes, like Civ II! In Civ II, we had notices about what is happening in the world.

              Just continues to prove to me that Civ II is better planned than Civ III.
              How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?


              • #8
                Oh come on, you have a good 1/10 of a second to clearly see the color of the offending nation; and we all know the nations have totally different colors which look nothing alike.


                • #9
                  But, by the time you get to the turns that civ's have nukes, the turn elapsed to change takes about 5-10 mintites for me (I am usally playing with 16 civs on a large map), so I do not stare at the screen, I usally look at the paper, make myself a drink, smoke etc, which means I am not paying 100% attention all the time.
                  You can usally tell who did it though, because they are at war with you (after the attack)
                  How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?

