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Thoughts on Ruins & Culture

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  • Thoughts on Ruins & Culture

    Hey all...

    With the release, and my subsequent purchase of PTW, I've been pouring over the changes, and how they can/should relate to my mod-heavy playing habits. One thing that dawned on me that was worth looking at was ruins.

    Now, you look at the state of modern archeology- it's based on the discovery and exploration of ruins; bringing to light the cultural past of civilizations lost, as context for their modern counterparts.

    It seems to me, that given this, perhaps some culture points might be in order for ruins of historical nature. Examples include Machu Pichu in Peru, or the Pyramids in Giza, Mossad in Israel/Palestine, or the uncovering of Pompeii- even the memorial to those lost in the bombing of Hiroshima; historical and cultural significance is often assigned to ruins.

    Has anyone else given any thought to figuring out a way to assign culture points to preserved ruins? Does anyone else even consider this a worthwhile idea?
    "There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full."
    --Henry Kissinger--

  • #2
    Re: Thoughts on Ruins & Culture

    Originally posted by congobeast
    Has anyone else given any thought to figuring out a way to assign culture points to preserved ruins? Does anyone else even consider this a worthwhile idea?
    Since ruins are not a building in a city they cannot generate culture. A theoretical solution could be a (cheap) culture building (History Museum?) that requires ruins in the city radius (similar to a hydro plant needing a river). While this is not possible with the current editor some of the file format specialists might be able to help.

