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Unit abilities Help

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  • Unit abilities Help

    I am quite succesfull at building scenarios using existing units
    However I am trying to get a little more realism by altering the abilities of some of the units
    These are particularly to do with bombardment
    I have tried to give the longbowman bombardment abilities
    After all, that is what they did Bombard with a hail of arrows
    However when I gave the unit that ability it did not transfer into the game
    Also I wanted to give other bombardment units LETHAL bombardment
    That did not seem to work either
    IS it possible
    And if so

  • #2
    Make sure that not oly do you give the units the -ability- to perform the bombardments in the editor, but also that you give them the -button access- to be able to do so.

    That was the first error I found when building my mod for Civ3 Vanilla- I added new upgrade paths for Medieval offensive infantry units, but neglected to select the 'Upgrade' button for them- Thus, the upgrade path was -available- to the units, but unless you could press to button to actually make the little buggers -perform- the upgrade, you were up the proverbial creek.

    Hope that helps...
    "There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full."
    --Henry Kissinger--


    • #3
      also, highlight the lealth bombardment navel and ground flags. to do this, scholl the list of abilities and when you find it, hold control and click on each of them so as to not deselect other flags.
      Oh, you mean the red button launches ICBMs? Opps.


      • #4
        To give a unit the ability to bombard you must check the 'Bombard' special ability (as mentioned earlier for the button)
        Then you need to give the unit a Bombard Strength greater than zero, a bombard range, and a Rate of Fire.
        Also as mentioned if you want the unit to be able to kill using bombardment you must select 'Lethal Land bombardment' and 'Lethal Sea bombardment'.

        For the AI to use the unit to bombard other units you'll want to check 'Artillery' under the AI Strategies.


        • #5
          % of hits???

          Thanks for the info so far
          I got the longbowman bombarding ok
          Only one in a LOT of the bombardments actually connected
          For the life of me I can't see anywhere where I can adjust %chance of hitting the target Only the amount of damage caused by a hit
          IS there a way to do it

          And thanks again


          • #6
            I believe that the odds of 'connecting' have more to do with the Bombard Strength than anything else. If you want them to do more damage then you need to adjust the Rate of Fire. The way I've heard it described the Rate of Fire is the Max number of hitpoints you can take off an enemy unit in one attack.


            • #7
              as far as i know about bombarding:
              bombard strength: chance of inflicting hit is (i think)
              attacker bombard/(att.bomb.+def.strength)
              if you "hit" the defender loses one HP.
              the RoF is the number of rolls made, ie. with a RoF of 5 you get five chances to hit (as see above)

              example: longbowman with 4 bomb.att. 2 RoF bombards spearman (defence 2, no bonus) you get 2 chances to hit the spearman, both at 4/(4+2)=2/3=67% chance. so there is a chance of 1/9 that you dont hit the spearman, a chance of 4/9 that you hit him once, and a chance of 4/9 that you hit him twice.


              • #8
                Aha Nice one
                Thanks for that
                I have been experimenting and I can get lethal bombardment now
                I have just got to work out now how powerful to make a Longbowman
                Obviously they were a mass thing where a great number were used to accomplish the task
                So a single one would not make much of a dent
                But 10 or so................

