"It's definitely got me started looking at different strategies for ancient research that don't entail constant war."
You can definitely build well and buy tech fast enough to keep just behind the leader. This will not give you the disired control of the game, but it will keep you competitive until you get an opportunity. You can even do this OCC, but with a good-sized civ you can overcome the AI tech-cost advantage at the trade window. Why you would want to when a good war would do it for free is another question.
"It's definitely got me started looking at different strategies for ancient research that don't entail constant war."
You can definitely build well and buy tech fast enough to keep just behind the leader. This will not give you the disired control of the game, but it will keep you competitive until you get an opportunity. You can even do this OCC, but with a good-sized civ you can overcome the AI tech-cost advantage at the trade window. Why you would want to when a good war would do it for free is another question.
