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Thanks, Warpstorm!

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  • Thanks, Warpstorm!

    ...for your watercolor graphics. They really give the game a nice style.

    I just have one problem: the irrigation is so extensive, and the colors are so close to those used for rivers, that it's hard to distinguish the rivers on the map. I tried substituting the original irrigation graphic, and it works better (for me, anyway), but it makes short segments of the watercolor rivers disappear, so that's not a good solution.

    I'll look for other substitutes, but wonder whether anyone has a suggestion.

  • #2
    Press Ctrl-Shift-M (or is it N?).

    That will get rid of cities and stuff. Using Ctrl-Shift-N you can set the preferences for what you want gotten rid of (trees, mountains, hills, etc.), to make it easier to see them.

    And I'd thank you WS but you didn't release your graphics before PTW so none for you!


    • #3
      Purple, you may want to try my previous irrigation graphics. They were included in the directory as irrigationsave.pcx. Copy it over all the files that start with irrigation.

      Thanks, glad you liked it
      Seemingly Benign
      Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


      • #4
        Thanks for the preferences shortcut, Trip. I knew about ctrl-shift-M, but I didn't know we could customize the revealed display. Good stuff. Now if only we could cycle through several levels of map cleansing, as we could in SMAC (I think), I'd be a pig in well, er, uh, mud.

        WarpStorm: The irrigationsave.pcx file gave an effect similar to the revised irrigation files, so the problem remains. It may be my particular (impaired?) perception of color, but I think it would help me to have the irrigation water a color slightly different from the river water (same thing applies to the "mud" bordering both types of water).

        Maybe I should try to modify the irrigation graphics myself.

        Again, thanks for your excellent work!


        • #5
          Sorry, I did intentionally try matching the water colors between rivers and irrigation tiles.
          Seemingly Benign
          Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


          • #6
            No problem, just something I found in my random button-pressing.

